Worksession Recap: 02/11

Shadaj Laddad
Lynbrook Robotics
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

9 days until Stop Build!



Went over the design for the forklift towers one *final* time before they should be ready to be machined. Made a new mounting place for the rope on the tower side. The forks and crossbar are still a risk factor but we are working on figuring out the way to gain the highest safety factor during use.


Worked on more conflict solving within the lift carriage. We decided to go for a construction with cross-shafts for rigidity.



Machined most of the pieces needed for our 50” tall elevators! Still need to make a few cuts to finish up the tall pieces and make some of the little pieces.


Put the gearboxes on the drivetrain. Kunal helped me run tests at 12V and we got a reading of 9 amps current draw back, which was the expected reading. Two sides are drawing slightly different current, backlash in chains/sprockets may cause issues in autonomous. Further testing required.


Painting and deburring of machined items continues. Painted some more pieces of the lift and collector today.


Two/Three Cube Auto (Philip, Shadaj)

this routine is completely autonomous — no humans involved!

Today, we tested a 3 cube auto, which finishes in just under 15 seconds. We added trapezoidal motion profiling, which made the motion visibly much more crisp (stopped right in time to collect the cubes). After some tuning of max acceleration and cruising speeds, we were able to get our routine to be as fast and possible and fit under the time limit.

Field Elements

Started cutting the plywood for the Switch.



Shadaj Laddad
Lynbrook Robotics

My latest posts are at! Exploring the boundaries of programming, usually with #scala. EE/CS student at UC Berkeley.