Understanding the current state of democracy and its flaws

Kyle Cannafax
Lynx Network
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2017

Around the 6th century BC the first glimpse of a democratic system was observed for the first time in Athens. A system where individuals could voice their opinion on how they wanted the collective to operate, unfortunately in every decision there is almost always opposing views. Two or more sides contend for the implementation of their ideas, at the end of the day the majority gets their way and the remaining group(s) is left unsatisfied. It’s not a perfect system, but it has worked well enough for humanity and our political landscape for the last 2500 years. Since then improvements, (or shall we say changes) have been made to that original idea. In today’s world the current form of democracy is not a true democracy but a republic, where we appoint our leaders to make choices for us. This is good in concept but often leads to the elected official to run their campaign based on what they think people want to hear, and then exercising a totally opposite agenda once in a position of power. Then of course is the problem of corruption and vote manipulation from political powers that have grown too large to contest. From a political standpoint these inherent flaws may never be solved, but what about in the realm of technology? Surely with all of the advancements that have been made the resources must exist to solve this long standing problem.

What if there was a system in which every individual could be satisfied on the outcome of elections?

What if individuals could make their own choices without relying on elected appointees or the consensus of the majority?

What if you could verify with absolute certainty that the voting process could not manipulated?

Well that’s exactly what we are developing with Lynx. We don’t believe your choices should be restricted by anyone other than yourself. When you want to make a change to your specific version, you are free to do so without needing to ask permission from an arbiter. There is no reason why every interface and it’s functions must be the same for every user, different people have different needs, that’s just the way it is. All of this is powered by the Ethereum blockchain, a decentralized ledger of cryptographically verified truth so that one can know without a doubt that votes are not being obscured or manipulated and that your voice is being heard.

Stay tuned for our next blog post that will dive into more details about how this new form of governance will work.



Kyle Cannafax
Lynx Network

Bringing smart companies and free interaction to Ethereum