How restaurants can minimize the Impact of COVID-19

Deepak Arora
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2020

With the official announcements of lockdown, restaurants are finding themselves at the wrong end of the world wide lockdown. As a restaurant owner, the safety of your team and guest is your top priority. After ensuring safety this challenge requires you to get more creative to stay afloat in this low dining period.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

As there is no way to know when the virus will be eliminated and things will return to normal. Many are believing that the warm weather will slow down the virus spread and will allow the health officials to get a grip over the situation.

The challenge for the restaurant industry comes in two ways-

1) how to ensure the safety of your team

2) how to minimize the revenue hit

How To Ensure The Safety Of Your Team

  1. Regular hand-washing & sanitizing done by staff.
  2. Increase the use of gloves by staff.
  3. Giving mandatory leave to your sick staff in the event of any coronavirus symptoms.
  4. Increasing awareness in the staff to avoid other people who might be ill.
  5. All the areas which come in contact with humans should be disinfected 3 times a day. Including the kitchen & its equipment, bathrooms, dining place, etc.
  6. Mandatory handwashing breaks for employees.
  7. Providing wet wipes and hand sanitizer to guests upon arrival.
  8. Paper towels to be used in restrooms and for cleaning tables.
  9. Re-arranging the tables to increase space between the tables and thus customers.

How To Minimize The Revenue Hit

Social Media

As most people are spending a larger amount of time indoors they are more likely to be active on social media. This will provide a great way to connect with your customers. You can start by posting pictures of how your team is fit and healthy and taking all the necessary precautions.

Everyone is concerned about the safety and if they can relate it that your top priority is safety also they are more likely to turn up to your restaurant when they decide to go out again.

Posting your most valuable feedback which shows how clean and safe your restaurant will also help you in creating a good image in the minds of the customers.

Email & SMS Campaign

Sending alerts to your existing customers that you are ready to serve your valued customers at this time. Include pictures and explain the up-gradation you have done to make sure to provide a clean and safe environment.

Be creative in your promotional ways

Asking your staff to clean the table properly with paper towels can provide you good word of mouth publicity as it will be noticed by dinners and in the given circumstances word of publicity about your commitment towards safety would bring you more customers than through any other medium.

Providing gift cards for 12 months validity would allow the restaurant to generate revenue now and it will allow restaurants to stay afloat and keep investing in to be cleaner and safer restaurants.

