Introducing AI in restaurants to fight the Covid 19 battle and the next pandemic

Deepak Arora
3 min readApr 23, 2020


Since the corona outbreak, the world has seen a similar pattern everywhere. First, it starts with few positive cases and everyone in the country feels like they will not be affected by it and then those few cases turn into hundreds & thousands and in no time there is nationwide lockdown to try and flatten the corona curve.

Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash

In the above scenario, almost every industry has affected some industries that are badly affected than the others and even in those industries, there are some companies/brands which are doing fine and then there are some which are doing terribly and are on the verge of closing.

These past few weeks there has been a lot of emphasis on the sharing of data between countries to limit the adverse effect of coronavirus. These efforts are being done to analyze the data and use it for the advantage of the nations. Predictive data analysis and machine learning have been transforming every industry which undertook the opportunity of introducing AI into the industry.

Restaurants could also use this technology to fight the current battle and possibly stay ahead of the next pandemic.

Companies Have Used Personalised Predictions:

Restaurants Industry in their battle with COVID 19 could use the technology of prediction based on machine learning and artificial intelligence which has transformed data-driven business (travel, insurance, media, etc.) these businesses have predicted what to buy, which destination one would like to go on holiday and restaurants have somewhat used it for what particular customers would like to order.

In a selerity article, they have explained how Netflix used big data to create more content for users. They have evaluated based on past choices as what their particular customers would like to watch next.

A similar approach could be used by restaurants during these testing times and to be ready for uncertain future events. Data should be collected on multiple fronts in restaurants and AI & ML models can be created on those fronts to analyze the position of a restaurant suffering under various extreme conditions such as a lockdown.

What is the probability that an amazing dining restaurant should have a delivery system? How much should a restaurant rely on the service of the aggregators? What are the chances that a restaurant might permanently close down?

To answer these questions the data collected on various fronts would include the sales data, customer reviews, inventory data, daily expense of the restaurant, wastage and other miscellaneous expenses. For example, a delivery restaurant not having its delivery chain and relying completely on aggregators might be categorized as “Low risk” under normal circumstances but under nationwide lockdown will be categorized as “ High risk”.

These risk predictions allow restaurants to have a risk management budget in place and can allot that money to bring more sanitation products and cleanliness measures in the present scenario and this will also help restaurant employees as their wages will also not be affected under these special circumstances.

Create custom forms and collect all the vital information for your restaurant. Start storing your data. Click here for your free account.

