The “See It/Say It” Edition

Lauren Zalaznick
LZ Sunday Paper




TWITTER: @LZSundayPaperView this email in your browser


Here is the first entry into the handy LZ Sunday Paper Pronounciation Guide. As previously discussed, this idea arose from a great idea my sister has had forever, about publishing a weekly, one-word guide to how to pronounce a topical person’s name, place, or thing. Thank you! No royalties, yet, but if I ever IPO the LZSP I may spin out the pronunciation guide under the catchy title that fits the terror of our times: “If you see something, say something, and hopefully you’ll pronounce it right.”

This first one is a classic! But it’s tricky. It’s not impossible to get it right, but it’s a high degree of difficulty due to the overlay of an Amero-Brit Accent I don’t think I’ve ever heard anywhere else.

Watch/hear Barbara Walters do a very good job in this classic intro! Then, watch again at 3 minutes, 17 seconds until the end of the clip for some vintage post-election November wisdom from Ms. WIN-tour.

If you’re feeling slightly more contemporary, be hip at your Thanksgiving dinner with the Millenial crowd when you casually mention that you just can’t get enough of the new Bon Iver album:

a) bon EYE-ver
b) boney vuhr
c) bawhn eee-VEHR

answer: C.

Stumped by the pronounciation of a name/place/thing? Ask me.

Stumped by your emotions and feelings of the past 10 days? Join the club! …and read on.

The LZ Sunday Paper is a weekly digest of news, hand-picked by me, for you, about and by women in business, politics, media, the arts and pop culture. There’s usually something to laugh about, to make you uncomfortable, but mostly to inform and entertain.

Forward it to those you think will enjoy it. Share it on your social media channel of choice.

Send me stuff you think should go in a future edition here.

You can follow me on Twitter @LZSundayPaper.

Instagram can irritate but also soothe the soul, the sometimes soothing @LZSundayPaper as well as the always-soothing @LZFloors.

Happy Thanksgiving!



An Unabashed Misogynist Is In Charge Of Our Country. Now What? via The Nation

God Bless Hillary Clinton For Not Wearing Make-Up During Her Children’s Defense Fund Speech via Slate

General Mike Flynn’s Office Told Women To Wear MakeUp, Heels, and Skirts via The Daily Beast

Elizabeth Warren On Trump’s Election: ‘We Stand Up And We Fight Back’ via New York Magazine

Stalking, Gaslighting, Threatening Violence: The Abusive Shape Of Hillary Clinton Hate via Salon

How A Black Woman Ventured Into The Heart Of Trumplandia via Fortune

Roll Up Your Sleeves, Parts 1 and 2 via The Manhattan Users Guide


Co-Education At University Was — And Is — No Triumph of Feminism via The Establishment


Twitter Rolls Out New And Long-Awaited Anti-Harassment Tools via Buzzfeed News

Sex Workers Have Created The Perfect Method For Keeping People Honest Online via Quartz

Testing Of Backlogged Rape Evidence Leads To Hundreds Of Convictions via The Conversation

Mae Jemison, The First Black Woman In Space, Says Colonizing Mars ‘doesn’t push us hard enough’ via Fusion


Yes, The Same Woman Dreamed Up The Visuals For ‘Lemonade’ and ‘Moonlight’ via Refinery29

MTV Bets On Rape Vigilantes In ‘Sweet/Vicious’ to Win New Viewers via Variety

Are Leggings Too Distracting? A Mom Takes On A ‘Sexist’ School Dress Code via The Washington Post

Sorry, ‘Vogue,’ Cleavage is not “Over” via Fashionista

A Christian Mom Blogger Announces She’s Dating Soccer Star Abby Wambach via The Washington Post

Make My Rapist Great Again via YouTube

Gwen Ifill Knew How Powerful — and Rare — It Was For A Woman Of Color To Be So Visible In Media via Vox


Trolls, These Days…(perhaps with a revised ending) via YouTube

The LZ Sunday Paper™ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this

Thank you: The Establishment Quartz Refinery29 and so many others



Lauren Zalaznick
LZ Sunday Paper

Every week I curate The LZ Sunday Paper: The Most Important News By and About — but not necessarily just for--Women. Find it on Medium and at