Lost and Found: A Poem

we never grow up, we just forget how to be children

Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2020


Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

Hey, you.
Who? Me?
Yes you, remember me?
No…no clue.
I know who you are.
Who am I? Who are you?
I am you. You are me.
What? Kid go home.

Stop following me.
I’m going home.
Where do you live?
Over there.
I live there.
I know, me too.
No you don’t.
Yes I do.

Then who are you?
I told you, I am you.
You forgot about me.
I never knew you.

It’s been too long.
How long?
Ten years.
I’m twenty.
Please, come home.
Where’s that?
Follow me, take my hand.
Okay, lead the way.
Straight ahead.

So, tell me more about yourself, I’m intrigued.
About me? You already know.
No I don’t.
Yes you do, you are me.
I am you?

We’re here.
I live here.
I know, so do I.
So is this it?
Wait don’t leave.
I won’t, I would never.
Then please, who are you?
I am you.

Thanks for reading! 🙂



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🐘 i write about self-improvement & more for people with low attention spans