Manifesto for Positive Change

Marcus Pibworth
M I Scribe
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2017

We live in a complex world. We live in a world of differing opinions, different experiences, different backgrounds.

Over the past few decades we have been drifting apart and becoming more isolated as societies. We are on the verge of a radical change. If we work together we can make that change a positive one.

Manifesto for Positive Change:

To overcome obstacles and understand each other we need to listen better.

Our perspectives and beliefs need to be challenged and constantly updated.

If we think we know something for certain, it needs further exploration.

Talk to people. Listen to people. Really listen.

Create the space where people feel comfortable to discuss the issues that matter.

We need to work together to create positive change.

Collaboration is key.

Get creative, engage.

Think globally, act locally.

Every person has their own unique set of ideas and beliefs.

Every group is made up of individuals.

Every person is a human.

Every voice is important.

The knowledge we need is in the room.

Explore it together.

[Join our tribe and let’s create the future we want together]



Marcus Pibworth
M I Scribe

I'm someone who thinks too much about things - exploring System Change, mental health and what it means to be alive in the 21st century.