Never say “start the meeting without me”: a small guide to good manners at work

Le Monde in English
M, Le magazine du Monde
5 min readAug 19, 2018


The world is changing, decorum with it. The rules of savoir-vivre in the 21st century are different. Read on for a vade-mecum of the faux pas to avoid at work and in coworking.

An American study teaches us that 88% of business cards are thrown away the week after having been given out. There’s one additional reason which questions their usefulness. What’s the point of leaving a business card in the era of electronic communication? Sceptics may be pointed out that among those who ask the question, some are still wearing watches to tell the time. A business card does not serve the purpose of providing one’s details, but of saying to others that we are someone who merits a business card — as well as a watch.

How to know where modernity stops and where rudeness begins?

The question of business cards, of which the Baron Staffe made a priority whatever the cost (“one must as much as one can conceal one’s poverty”), is part of the burning subjects in the era of nomadism and teleworking. Outside business cards, the corridors brim with those who want — or cannot, thanks open space — telephone sitting down and meetings remain the privilege of those who possess an office. It is fashionable to make the most of it whilst openly…



Le Monde in English
M, Le magazine du Monde

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