Get your fu%*&@g finger off my screen

M on Medium


It tells me what you are like as a person

I did it, I became a fully fledged self funding corporate monkey. I went out and spent my hard earned cash on a Macbook Pro. It is amazingly fast and has this beautiful screen that oozes class. So why does this make me a corporate monkey? I purchased my mac for primary use at work. Yes, that is right — i invested in the device to adopt the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), policy.

Now here is where my beef is. You are working on this amazingly fast and beautiful to use device. A colleague comes over and sits down beside you to go over some work. They begin to communicate observations concerning the work related content on the screen. Instead of talking you through the steps to completion or openly describing instructions with a bit of finger pointing, they go and touch my beautiful retina screen. “There press that button and then go to that option there”.

Why, why would you you stamp your fat stubby and greasy finger on the screen? It is not the done thing and it simply wrong. Anyone who works on a laptop for hours, knows you do not do this. It creates marks and smudges on a laptop and distorts your visibility. Ok Ok….you are going over the top Munish. Yes, I might be huffing and puffing for no reason in most peoples eyes, but I just think it is rude.

Yes, we are amongst the smartphone and tablet generation, which results in everyone fingering a device at some point. But the Macbook does not have a touch screen and most people know this.

So why do these idiots to it? It simple in my eyes. When we are babies (like my son), we point to items and gesture instructions through body language. As we develop into infants, we add words to describe our needs or provide instructions for others. Once we are adults, most of us should be able to communicate just through dialogue and gesture with our hands as a supporting mechanism.

Those who point as adults are not very good communicators. They are most likely the type of colleague or manager that gives their team instructions to get to an end goal, but does not support the steps to achieve the desired state. Those who are able to articulate the journey and support the steps to attaining the goal are likely to be more successful as leaders and will not touch my fringing Macbook Screen. Rant Over!



M on Medium

I am corporate monkey with a specialism in all things technovision, cyber security, innovation and gadgets.