May for More Earning

What did we have in May?

Photo by Author

Another month has passed, and another month’s worth of my Medium stats is now available.

May started off very hard

The struggle was very consistent, and I blame my lack of consistency in writing. I’ve been writing now for the past 2 months, and I’m very satisfied with these numbers.

Audience stats

Photo by Author

We grow over 235 new followers, and we are on the rise for more.

New writers, I hope this inspires you to not quit just yet. The value you provide your readers will always pay you off.


My earnings wowed me. I almost didn’t believe it. From $32.26 to $113.83 I was on a rocket to the moon.

In May, my earnings increased from the previous month. I’m happy with how much I made this month.

Effort pays

Thanks for Reading.

