PK’s Protest Theory

M. Wheeler Books
M. Wheeler Books
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2017
photo credit: The Atlantic

Fridays are the best. It’s what I work for all week — 2 straight days with my son. The kid is the light of my life and my inspiration. I don’t see him very much during the week, due to my job which keeps me in the office many late nights. This particular Friday is inauguration day, and similar to what I do every morning, I was sitting with my son at the table eating my breakfast, talking to him, and scanning through the newspaper. Before I summersault into what I saw in the news — let me say how important it is to spend time with our children. Most folks don’t realize it, but the best way to make the world better is by spending time with our kids, talking to them, and loving them at a young age. Teaching that kind of commitment to family and each other is something that seems to have been lost in this country sometime in the past 20 years. I read in the news today that there are going to be multiple protests in the nation’s capital during the inauguration of our 45th president, some of which even included celebrities, such as Robert De Niro. As I looked down at my amazing, bright little boy, all I could think about how foolish and irresponsible people have become — and by people, I mean liberals.

Our nation is recognized around the globe for being the leading residence for lazy, overweight, overreacting, whiny people in the world. I grew up in a family where both parents worked — hard. My dad always had at LEAST two jobs and my mother spent 35 years pouring her heart and soul into teaching young kids in elementary school. My parents entrenched that work ethic in me, pushing me to put maximum effort into everything I attempted in life. Family, school, sports, work — any task or relationship deserved my full attention, energy, and commitment. As with most boys growing up, I did not always give my all for whatever reason — distractions by girls, distractions by females, distractions by…well…you get the point here, I let some external factors sidetrack me from the task at hand. But no matter how often I let the distractions alter my perceptions or restrict me from greatness, I always knew what it took to be successful, maintain relationships, and be a decent human being. These characteristics of success included one key behavior that I seem to see every time I pick up a newspaper, turn on a TV, or look at my phone — NOT COMPLAINING.

It’s pretty ironic to me that liberals, who claim to care about the greater good and “the people” are actually the ones who tear people apart. Does Robert De Niro actually think that going to DC to protest today is going to help the situation? Or change it? Do these pompous, elitist, arrogant pricks think that they will cancel the inauguration? Meanwhile, they are getting legions of people fired up, angry, and aggressive. These types of emotions always lead us down the path of destruction. It is beyond my comprehension how people could be so stupid and irresponsible. Is that what you teach your children? To complain and be violent when you don’t get your way? That is how a two year old acts — they throw tantrums because they don’t know any better. The difference is, when adults throw tantrums people get hurt. Do you know what my father taught me when something didn’t go my way? To cry and complain??? HELL NO!!! He taught me to put my head down and work harder than I ever did before, to keep grinding, and never complain!!!

These liberals need to start acting like fucking adults — deal with the fact that the candidate you supported lost and move on with your lives. In times like these, people should be focusing on pulling together and supporting each other, not getting tempers amplified and wreaking havoc in the streets of our cities. Nothing gets my blood boiling like these blow hard celebrities who think the world wants and needs to hear their fucking opinions. Nobody cares what you have to say, you exist to entertain us and you’re paid handsomely to do so. While you are certainly allowed to have your opinions about politics or any other subject, you are not making the world better by conducting yourselves like such entitled, spoiled brats. The election is OVER. It must be nice to have the time to go participate in protests; I’m too busy working my ass off to support my family than to protest something that cannot be changed. I never have and I never will get steamed and flustered about politics because it’s not my game. I follow it, but just like when the Knicks, Mets, or Giants lose, there’s nothing I can do to influence it. I’m focused on teaching my son to work hard, treat other people with respect, never complain, and always put your heart and soul into everything you do. Maybe if more people in this country adopted these simple values, we would all be in a happier place on this inauguration day.

  • PK

