Meet Jayanthi, Our Implementation Specialist

M2P's fintech blog
M2P Fintech
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2021

This August, meet our very own AVP- Implementation Specialist, Jayanthi, who is skilled at balancing mom-work life. Jayanthi loves listening to fast-paced Tamil songs and is a secret lyricist. She also shares how she misses M2P’s filter coffee. Read on to know more about Jayanthi and how she brings her best every day.

What happens in your typical workday at M2P?

Being part of the implementation team, I will primarily plan the client requirements and sort out the production issues. Later, I work on resolving them on a priority basis and organize my work calls/emails.

I focus on programs assigned to me by monitoring clients’ processes, rectifying the queries, and completing procedures that ensure a smooth process. Before EOD, I ensure that all queries get resolved, and the client is updated on the progress.

How do you balance mom-work life?

It is tricky to manage both.

My son is nearly two years old; he often comes into my room and sits on my lap, wondering whom I am talking to. As I am currently working from home, I am able to sneak off some time to play with my son or make him eat the veggies. Once, he tried to push off the laptop as I did not give him my attention. From then, I make sure I pay enough attention as soon as he enters the room with a warning by shouting “Yeyyy.”

How would you describe your journey with M2P?

In M2P, I see every day as a new, fresh, and fun-filled day. The journey started five years back in a house, and now we have grown into office buildings.

When I started working here, my focus would be client calls which I struggled in the initial days due to my communication gap. But I overcame the communication issues with my colleagues’ motivation and learned to communicate better with our clients. So now, I focus on rectifying the blocks and motivating myself to become the best of myself.

How does before and after pandemic work differ for you?

Doing work from home has improved communication with my family. But I miss the interactions with my teammates; when seated at the office, to my back was Lekha’s desk, to my side Vasanth, and on the opposite, Prabhu will be there. Also, I miss M2P’s filter coffee that we used to have in the evening breaks.

Working from home requires balancing both home and office, so I usually schedule my work not to overlap. In WFH, even though it’s just the device surrounding us, it allows me to work more focused. As I’m a person who analyzes and operates more efficiently when I am alone, this pandemic has definitely improved my work style.

Any favorite moments with M2P?

Every day that I work with M2P is new and different, and there are boatloads of memories that I cherish every day. Once, we had a situation where two hundred cards had an error, and they were shuffled within the consignment of one lakh cards. The situation was a block as it was very challenging to find the cards. But I worked hard on it and retrieved the error cards out of the lot. Everyone appreciated my grit to find those 200 hundred error cards, and I was elated to receive the appreciation afterward.

Earlier, when we were a small team, every Friday we used to go for lunch in a restaurant — one of the moments which I will never forget.

What is your post-pandemic plan?

I have always wanted to travel around if I get the time. I would like to travel to different states like go for a tour of India. I like visiting lush green places like Kerala, Kodaikanal, so I wish to see these peaceful places. Post-pandemic, I am excited to go to the office and work and have M2P’s filter coffee back there with my colleagues.

What do you do when you get some leisure time?

I love listening to fast-paced songs and write poems about my mom whenever I find the time. I start my day by getting into the kitchen to make tea while listening and dancing to songs. I feel relaxed and fresh when listening to songs with my cup of positivi-tea. Then, I spend the rest of the available time with my family.

Anything that your colleagues don’t know about you?

I’m very affectionate to people around me and also a silent person at times. I always write poems, but most people don’t know that. I love to sing; when I was in school, I took part in music competitions where I write my lyrics with existing tunes. In 10th grade, I rewrote the ‘Edho oru paatu’ song to lyrics referring to my school memories and got first place in the competition.

Anything else you want to share with M2P?

I think that every one of us together here makes M2P a family, and I consider M2P to be my second home since I started my career here. I feel grateful for all my experiences and the knowledge I learned from everyone, as they have constantly motivated me throughout my career. M2P has helped me move forward to give out my best.

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