Winnie Hua
Applied Imagination: PerPlexUs
1 min readNov 24, 2014


Communal Vertical Gardens

planted on the wall in Daishan Kindergarten with kids, parents and teachers

How can green space develop communities through gardening in fast developing cities, such as Nanjing?

When I was little, I often helped my grandparents pick vegetables in our garden and gave them to neighbours. Children on the same street always gathered in the garden to appreciate flowers. With urban development, we have moved from bungalows into high-rise buildings. There are fewer green spaces and neighbourhood activities. With the problem of less green space and communication among people in the cities, my project aims to supply a possible solution to this situation through a creative vertical approach to gardening.

As the capital of Jiangsu Province, a central city and a major commercial city in Eastern China, Nanjing is marked by a high cost of land. Along with the rise of the urbanization level, the housing price in urban areas has seen a new high, with the gardens on the ground having become a luxury. However, the vertical development of urban landscaping would provide a new feasible approach to bring greenery to citizens.

