Open the door

How can a narrative action help Chinese people (born from 1980 to 1990) who were affected by their parents’ divorce to express their unspeakable emotions?

Summer Zhang
Applied Imagination: PerPlexUs


Chinese who were born from 1980 to 1990 whose parents divorced in their childhood, actually were born in the first 10 years of high-rate divorce. At that time, divorce was seen as a dishonorable issue, they could not share their stories and emotions properly. This is a narrative action project trying to help them to express their unspeakable emotions which were affected by their parents’ divorce.

This ongoing project invites them to choose a gift for their childhood selves, then send the gift to their former addresses where their parents were still together.They need to record the process with a video of around 30 seconds.

This action is launched to enable these people to face past together, to change their perception, and to begin a journey of self-healing.

