ResistWalks: app to promote the Resistance in the city of Milan

Marta Mascolo
MA Design
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2017

The Resistance is not only a category of the spirit but also the daily practice that does not end in the memory of those who made it against nazifascism but it is an incentive to think of many elements necessary to develop antibodies to a cultural and social system increasingly flat and poor.
The Resistance is a string through past and present, essential for the healthy and sustainable development of Italian democracy.

Mauro Biani 2015-( I died also for your freedom. And who asked you?)

The growing loss of trust in institutions and negligence of pursuing the creation of future citizens, who should be aware of their role in society; drove me to take a closer look “at the origin” of this recent historical event.

“Information is needed to develop the future generations to be an active part of the society”

Like the president of A.N.P.I (Italian Partisans Association of Italy) Carlo Smuraglia says, we should act now and try to raise awareness in the future generations about Resistance. We should create true citizens and not only individuals that think only how to get money or to be someone in the consumer society.

That’s the point: how attract young people in this topic? How spread the importance of the Resistance in the formation of what we call “democratic state”? Now more than ever, we should put on top of the list this issue, especially with the increasment of new fascisms and racist overflowings which can freely prolific where ignorance and populism exist.

I think the only way to get in touch with millennials (and hopefully not only with them) is to speak their language i.e technology . The creation and development of ResistWalks will give users the choice of several historical or literary routs with the help of geolocalisation of places and areas in Milan always linked to different genre of books. People will be able to see in real time different quotes, images and historic-summaries of events connected to places. It would be a unique chance to spend time discovering a city that is not only famous worldwide for fashion, design and good food but also for its great example of antifascism since 1945.

Below a small interview to Walter Marx ex-partisan (Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation interviews)

Now it’s up to us to continue and preserve those values that we find in our constitutions which are essential in building the future of citizens that are aware of their past and present.

To have more info or to join the cause follow me.

