On Top 1% Men, 3D Shoulders, and Peak Consistency

October 16th edition of the Manximize-1–2–3 newsletter

Neeramitra Reddy


Manximize-1–2–3 shares fortnightly insights on fitness, productivity, and all-round excellence. Plus, free access to my best articles, book picks, and more.

I first sent this to my 6200+ subscribers a week ago. To get these editions fresh in your inbox, subscribe here.

An AI-generated image of a successful man standing near the window overlooking a city’s horizon
Generated with Leonardo AI

At A Glance

  • Proven Productivity: An Easy Method to Boost Consistency (with Anything)
  • Fit Formulas: The 3 Best Ab Exercises and 3 Little-Known Shoulder Exercises.
  • Matters of Excellence: On Actual Reality, Top-1% Men, and Life Clarity.
  • Article of The Fortnight: 3 Nuanced Tweaks to Make Any Daily Routine More Effective
  • Bonus: Best Reading/Watching Picks From Across the Internet.
  • An Update on The Paperback 2-Minute Journal. Good News and A Last-Chance Offer.

Proven Productivity

1 proven productivity habit/behavior and clear implementation steps.

Inconsistency negates even the strongest waves of intensity.

Journaling and setting/ticking ToDos handles daily consistency. But what about weekly, monthly, and yearly?

The comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld has a smart solution:

  • Pick one habit/behavior you’re trying to be consistent with.
  • Get a physical calendar (do they even make them these days?)
  • Mark an X on the days you do the habit/behavior on your calendar.
  • Keep this chain of X’s in sight and avoid breaking it.
The Seinfeld method illustration
Made by the author with Skitch

The lengthier the chain, the easier it gets to keep going — the X-streak itself becomes the prize!

Simple but an absolute game-changer.

P.S. Are you curious to know about more such science-based productivity tips/tricks? Feel free to check out the “Peak Productivity” eBook.

Fit Formulas

2 no-B.S. fitness & health tips from my 6+ years of experience & research.

Formula #1 — The 3 Best Ab Exercises (NOT Crunches)

Ditch crunches and side bends — they’re inoptimal and strain your spine. Instead, do:

  • Knee raises: Excellent for your lower abs. Aim for 3 to 6 weekly sets of 12–25 controlled reps.
  • Planks: A cliche for a reason — works the whole core. Shoot for 2 to 4 weekly sets of maximum time.
  • Palloff presses: A superb way to train your obliques and core without spinal stress. Aim for 4 to 8 weekly sets of 15 to 20 paused reps.

Recommended Free Further Reading: The Briefest “How To Get (Lasting) Six-Pack Abs” Article You’ll Likely Ever Read

Formula #2 — The 3 Best Ab Exercises (NOT Crunches)

Shoulder anatomy skeletal collage of images
Source: Wikimedia Commons

The secret to 3D well-rounded shoulders?

Training all 3 delt-heads (green, red, and blue) equally. Here are 3 little-known exercises to do so:

  • Lu Lateral Raises: Use this as a finisher. Aim for 2–6 weekly sets of 15–25 controlled reps.
  • Cross-Arm Cable Rear Delt Flies: Incredible for the rear delts. Aim for 3–8 weekly sets of 12–20 paused reps.
  • The Band Pull Apart: Hits both the side/rear delts. Great for posture and delt health, too. Aim for 3–8 weekly sets of 12 to 30 reps.

Now, go build those bowling balls.

Matters of Excellence

3 of my best insights on achieving authentic excellence in the modern world.

#1 — The One Piece of Advice I’d Give if I Died Today

The Real You isn’t your mind or body — it’s the Awareness observing everything with unshakeable calm.

#2 — 3M’s that Set Apart the Top 1% Of Men

Mediocrity or Mt. Olympus, you choose — rather, your daily habits choose.

#3 — The Most Important Thing to Know in Life

“Where/What/Who” you want to be is WAY more important than the “How.”

Article of The Fortnight

The friend link below gives you free access to the otherwise paywalled article.

Best Finds Across The Internet…

3 watching/reading resources I thoroughly enjoyed and found valuable:

We’re Almost at The 100 Orders Mark!

Since I “soft-launched” The 2-Minute Bullet Journal, it’s received only love.

Unlocking peak clarity, productivity, and gratitude in 2 daily minutes, it’s the physical (upgraded) version of the viral 2-Minute Journaling Notion Template.

Images of The 2-Minute Bullet Journal
Photos by the author

Interested in The Paperback 2-Minute Bullet Journal? Click Here to Learn More About It

I had earlier said the price would hike once we cross 100 orders — well, we’re only 5 orders away!

Screenshots showing how The 2-Minute Bullet Journal has gotten 95 orders so far
Screenshot collage by the author

With 27 processed orders from India and 68 from the rest of the world, we’re already at 95 orders!

Only 5 orders before I (most likely) will hike the price…

Click Here to Checkout and Order the 2-Minute Journal Before the Price Hikes

P.S. By the time you read this republished newsletter, the last 5 orders might be over — so I’ll reserve a 12-hour buffer so you don’t miss out. Use it while you can.

I Want to Hear from You…

Did you like this edition? What more/different/less would you like to see in the next?

Any problems/goals you think I can help with?

Let me know by replying in the comments below or DMing me on Twitter.

Godspeed and cheers,
Neeramitra Reddy

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