It’s Time to Take Meme Marketing Seriously

Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022

Can you think of a world without Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter? Probably not! On average Gen-Zers spend 3 hours a day on their social media. While our millennial spends over 2.25 hours a day scrolling stuff on different social platforms.

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The point is that the world is run by the social media! The people, the brands, every single thing. And one of the biggest things we consume today are memes.

This word was coined by Richard Dawkins and refers to an element of a culture or system that is passed from one individual to another like a viral infection. Today, it is something that makes the masses laugh.

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Memes have gained a lot more popularity after the COVID-19 pandemic. And do you think marketers would not have taken advantage of this trendiest aspect of the internet?

Marketers are intelligently using memes to promote brands in such a way that it stays on viewers’ minds for a long time. Such content is catchy and likely to get shared by the viewers a lot more than the traditional ways of marketing. Such content can go viral in just a few hours.

So, IT’S TIME TO TAKE MEME MARKETING SERIOUSLY! It is not something that is going away too soon. Here are some reasons why meme marketing is a good tactic to incorporate with other marketing elements.

Attracts the newer generation

The new generation has a very short attention span and memes are ideal for such people. Gen-Zers specifically do not like to read a 300-word essay describing your products and services. Rather, they like seeing and sharing stuff that is easy to retain. So, the fan base for memes is massive. Thus, if the brands can strategize meme marketing appropriately and keep a balance of not overdoing it, they can seriously improve business engagements.

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Costs almost nothing

This marketing trend does not cost a lot plus it attracts a lot of people. All, you need is a team of marketers and designers who are creative and have a good eye on the latest trends. And trust me that does not cost a lot compared to other forms of branding.

Viewer retention is longer

Viewers are more likely to remember and share a meme than a television commercial. However, the only bet is to look for the latest trends that go with your brand. Some companies try to revive old meme trends and no doubt they fail effortlessly.

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In a nutshell, meme marketing does not require a lot of effort. Creating a meme is simple as long as you are in line with the new trends and know how to synchronize the image with the punchline. You do not even need a big budget and you can attract numbers through the compelling nature of the memes. And I am pretty sure, if you are an active social media user, you would have come across at least one attractive meme from an intelligent brand that is funny and relatable.

So, meme marketing is something that is going to last, and brands need to take it seriously. Memes are the primary landscape of today’s social media and brands that are not utilizing this tactic are definitely missing out!



Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI

I am an average girl next door with a knack for writing!