Service Excellence: Buzzwords or Bare Necessity?

Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2022

There was a time long ago when the trademark of luxury was defined by excellent service. Such was demanded by the common man and supplied by some of the best companies.

Now, it is a feature of the service industry and excellent service across the board is expected by the customer base. In fact, service companies have made it a point to be recognized for their excellence of service.

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But is service excellence a bare necessity or the new buzzing trend that everyone’s jumping on?

Service excellence can be defined as the ability of a company to provide high-quality services that constantly meet or go beyond customers’ expectations. As service excellence relies heavily on both the company’s ability to deliver and the client’s expectations, excellent customer service proves to be a task for such brands.

In today’s day and age, there is increased competition and if a client is not satisfied with a firm, he/she will simply switch to another that does prove the quality of service required. Additionally, word of mouth and online reviews and recommendations spread in today’s era, and hence, it is of utmost importance for a firm to deliver the quality of service they have promised for their growth and profitability in the long run.

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This has also been backed by statistics where 67% of people have said they would discourage family and friends from a service they were not happy with and 42% said they would share their negative experiences online.

Hence, investing in good customer service and care could limit the damage.

How to avoid this mess?

Make your customers feel valued

Customers want convenience. They want to be able to conveniently get in touch with the company. Rather than sending them down a spiral of confusing and vague standard electronic questions, allowing them to get in touch over live chat, SMS or a quick email is much better.

Consistency is key

It is of utmost importance to be consistent. First impressions have a long-lasting effect and that is why it is vital that customers have a good experience the first time they interact with you. This ensures that customers know what to expect and have faith in your company and its services.

Quick solutions to customer problems

In today’s fast-paced world, customers expect fast and efficient solutions to their issues. Hence, an expert is essential to ensure seamless solutions and happy customers.

As service excellence is an abstract concept, it might not always be a priority for companies to invest in. However, it is an extremely powerful tool for a company’s success.

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When you make your customers your main focus and direct all attention towards giving them a good service, it can give the most profitable results!



Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI

I am an average girl next door with a knack for writing!