The Powerhouse of Equal Employment Opportunities

Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023

John F Kennedy wonderfully summarized and encapsulated the concept of equal employment opportunities by stating that all individuals may not have equal talent or expertise but all individuals should be given an equal opportunity to polish and strengthen their talent. Hence, equal employment opportunity can be defined as providing employment opportunities to an individual, irrespective of their gender, race, religion, and more. There are no biases and people are chosen solely based on skill and merit. In some countries, this is taken so seriously that laws have been passed to ensure this is followed strictly.

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There are many advantages to both, the employer and employee, as a result of equal employment opportunities, and some of them will be discussed in detail below.

Improved Company Reputation

A good and reputable company is one that is employee-centric. By providing equal opportunities to all employees, the employees will talk highly of the firm, inside and outside the organization. This will boost the brand image and help the firm develop a good and solid market presence.

Diverse workforce

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By providing equal opportunities, a firm is promoting and building a diverse workforce. People from different religions, races, backgrounds, genders, and more bring their own set of experiences and skills to the table. This distinguished yet well-rounded group of individuals will ultimately benefit the company and make for an effective team.

Learning and development

The increase in learning and skill development by providing equal opportunities is unmatched. Not only do employees learn from their seniors but they also learn from their fellow peers as a result of enhanced collaboration and good communication.

Improved employee involvement

Picture Courtesy: Yellowimages

When employees see that their workplace is treating them fairly and equally, they will be more motivated to give their 100%. They will be more engaged and feel included. Hence, this will result in improved productivity as they will feel encouraged to grab more opportunities available to them.

Wide variety of talent

As a result of equal employment on merit, the firm will have access to highly talented individuals. The company will have access to the best of the best. By hiring based on skill and qualification, the company will find itself in a wonderful place.

Picture Courtesy: Freepik

In conclusion, equal employment opportunities are a basic right. Organizations need to ensure they impose these fair practices as ultimately; they will benefit from them too.

Let’s create a fair and free corporate world!



Ayishm Zia
Maanz AI

I am an average girl next door with a knack for writing!