What is artificial intelligence and its usage?

Ammaria Saadat
Maanz AI
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2024

Remember those clunky robots from old movies?

Forget all about them!

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, isn’t just science fiction anymore. It’s quietly transforming our world, from how we get groceries to how doctors fight diseases.

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Picture Courtesy: Adobe Firefly

But here’s the thing: AI isn’t some scary takeover plot. It’s actually a powerful tool that can make our lives easier, healthier, and even more creative!

So, what is Artificial Intelligence? Imagine a computer program that can learn and improve on its own, kind of like a super-smart friend who gets better at things the more you show it.

That’s the basic idea behind AI. Now, let’s dive into some of the coolest ways AI is being used today:

Following are the Artificial intelligence Usage:

Healthcare Hero:

One of the Artificial intelligence usage is that doctors can use AI to analyze mountains of medical data.

This AI sidekick can help identify disease patterns and even suggest personalized treatments for each patient.

Pretty cool, right?

healthcare, doctor, AI, services, AI usage
Picture Courtesy: Adobe Firefly

The Super-Translator:

Struggling with French on Duolingo? No worries! AI-powered chatbots can translate languages in real-time, making communication a breeze.

Imagine having a conversation with someone from across the globe, with no language barrier in sight!

Self-Driving Cars:

Ever dreamed of your car driving itself? AI is making self-driving cars a reality. These cars use cameras and sensors to “see” the road and navigate safely,

making transportation a whole lot smoother (and maybe even a little less stressful!).

Robots That Actually Help!

We’re not talking about robot butlers just yet, but AI is making robots smarter and more helpful.

Imagine robots working alongside humans in factories, or even assisting surgeons in delicate operations. The future of robotics is all about collaboration! This is another Artificial intelligence usage.

AI services, what is artificial intelligence and its usage, robot, health
Picture Courtesy: Adobe Firefly

These are just a few ways AI is making waves. But there’s even more on the horizon! AI is being used to:

Make Smarter Investments:

AI algorithms can analyze financial markets and even manage investment portfolios, making it easier for people to make better financial decisions

Discover New Medicines:

By analyzing massive datasets, AI can help scientists develop new drugs faster, potentially saving lives

Artificial intelligence, usage, doctor, services
Picture Courtesy: Adobe Firefly

Create Art (Yes, really!):

Believe it or not, AI can be used to generate creative text formats like poems, scripts, and even musical pieces. The possibilities for artistic expression are endless!

Of course, with all this amazing tech, there are also some things to keep in mind.

We need to make sure AI is developed responsibly and ethically, so it benefits everyone.

Also, AI isn’t here to replace humans — it’s here to work alongside us! The future is all about humans and AI teaming up to create a better world.

So, the next time you hear about AI, don’t be scared.

Accept it! AI has the potential to make our lives better in so many ways.

It’s the future, and it’s actually pretty exciting!!!



Ammaria Saadat
Maanz AI
Editor for

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