I Think: Every family is responsible for India’s rape problem

Chandni Dinesh, embassy official, Bahrain

Shreya Gautam
2 min readAug 1, 2018


Photo Credit: Nainika Dinesh

Iwork part-time at the Indian embassy in Bahrain, but I am originally from Kerala and grew up in Tamil Nadu. I read the newspaper every day.

All the rape stories I see make me feel disgusted.When I read about the Nirbhaya case, my first reaction was sadness that something like this could happen. I do think the media did justice to this case and followed it up well, probably because of the horrific nature of the crime.

But I don’t think the media treats rape any differently post-Nirbhaya. I don’t think things have changed: if they follow up on one story, there are hundreds of others that they don’t do that for.

The media needs to be more responsible and diligent towards all cases, instead of just keeping the horrific ones alive.

If I was a journalist I would focus on how sexual violence is something that can happen to anyone at any time because of how this country thinks. I’d focus on the mindset.

Rape is a huge problem today, every family is responsible — it’s how we train minds that has led us here.

I support the death penalty. Rapists, especially those who target minors, deserve it.



Shreya Gautam

Journalism major at Ashoka University. I am working on the MAARNewsTracker project regarding rape reportage in India. https://medium.com/maarnewstracker