I Think: Nirbhaya wasn’t the first; she won’t be the last

Manish Sidhu, skateboarder, Punjab

Anunaya Rajhans
2 min readJul 11, 2018


Photo: Ayush Rawat

I am not connected with the news. I’m not social at all and I see no reason to follow the news. Media is owned; it’s just a profiteering enterprise being run as a business. Shouldn’t news media be a non-profit entity, ideally‽

I think the problem of rape is as big as the country itself. Media just latches on to it when it happens in a metro city. Nirbhaya wasn’t the first and clearly she won’t be the last. We are all just sitting around unless it happens to one of our family members; until then we are only going to do a candle march and that does nothing in my opinion.

The spectacle that was accorded to Nirbhaya was a media creation. Focusing on the details of any particular case won’t help. We are just waiting for Nirbhaya to happen over again. If this happened in the pre-smartphone age, I don’t think there would have been a Nirbhaya phenomenon at all.

I think the media is run by a bunch of plutocrats. Nirbhaya case proceedings (the verdict) are a perfect example of it. They are more concerned with the football World Cup.

We need younger people in decision-making positions within the media. When we get old, we get lazy.

I want to tell the journalists to do their ****ing job properly. Billions of people are following you and counting on you.



Anunaya Rajhans

Meme Researcher | Critical Writing Teacher | Project Supervisor at MAAR NewsTracker