I Think: Reporters need to show more compassion for victims

Veronica Joseph, Media Student, Mumbai

ulfath joad
2 min readNov 25, 2019


Photo courtesy: Veronica Joseph

I find the quality of writing and reporting of news particularly low in the newspapers, so I choose to not read them regularly. I’ve shifted to getting my news from the internet, both from social media and through web surfing. I criticise all the news I’m exposed to, trying to maintain objectivity as I consume. I read both hard and soft news.

My automatic reaction to reading stories of rape and sexual violence is complete anger. Perhaps the only good part is the increase in reporting of such issues, but this reporting is not reducing the frequency of the crimes. The reporting and placement of such stories have changed too. After the 2012 gang rape case, such incidents were seen on front pages. Now the placement itself has shifted to the inside pages.

I have been desensitised to cases of sexual violence and rape; the frequency is so high that I don’t recall the last case I came across a case. I think the most gut-wrenching cases are those where children are victims.

Sensitivity is what is lacking in the reporting of sexual violence. Reporters need to behave compassionately like human beings first. They must be decent in their approach to victims, refrain from photographing them or from revealing their identity. They need to be doubly sure about privacy when the victims are minors. Reporters need to check facts before they come to conclusions and report a story, and they should follow up too. I would also like to see more opinion pieces and debates on issues of sexual violence by relevant figures.

Joint efforts need to be taken from the government and various NGOs to reduce these crimes. The taboo surrounding the reporting of sexual violence needs to be lessened with the help of media. Adequate training for the police to tackle cases like these with sensitivity, and quicker judicial action can help in the reduction of sexual violence in India.

