I Think: Media must show how poverty, lack of jobs cause rape

Vasanthi, sex worker, Chennai

Meenu Sriraman
3 min readDec 7, 2019


Image is representative. Photo: Nicola/Flickr

My name is Vasanthi. I have three children. My husband left us a while ago. And I got into sex work because it’s the only way I can feed my children. I just tell my kids that I work at someone’s house. This is good money and I am happy that I can feed my children. I sincerely hope that no other woman is put through what I am going through now.

I watch news channels from time to time. I do that so my children also learn to watch news. And yes, the media should cover rape cases — no matter how severe the crime is or the violence inflicted upon the woman or child is. The media needs to tell people that it is not such an easy world out here.

There have been many times where my customers have gotten too rough. They do not treat me like I am a human being who can feel pain. There have also been incidents when two or three men tried to force themselves on me. And trust me, it is a very scary and sick feeling. If a person who is into sex work can say this, then imagine what an innocent girl would feel.

The last such story I came across was about a teacher who had raped a girl child. And it shocked me. I have children who go to school and I don’t want them to go through anything like that. If a teacher, someone who is educated and is meant to educate other young minds, does this and is capable of acting like this, I cannot imagine what other men with no morals can do.

The media is a great tool if it manages to talk about rape cases to people on time. It is the only way people will be aware and understand the injustice even their own daughter can be subjected to.

I feel that poverty, lack of jobs, corruption, everything, contribute to rape. The media should show that crimes like these happen due to lack of jobs and education. If this can make the government build schools and give jobs to all citizens, maybe rape will decrease. And the media will be a very useful tool for that.

So, apart from reporting on a rape that has happened, the media should also report on things that lead to it and help to reduce it. I hope journalists can understand that all of this stems from deeper issues than a man wanting to exert his control over a girl.

But the media can also only report. It cannot kill a rapist. I feel that instead of taking the accused to court and then sentencing them, they should be punished immediately. And severely. That is when people will actually fear the system and will not dare to do something like this.

