How to Set Up Your OVH Email (IMAP) on Thunderbird in Windows 11 & 10

Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2023

Setting up your OVH email on Thunderbird is quick and easy. Whether you’re using Windows 11 or Windows 10, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process. Let’s get started!



Before you begin, make sure you have the following information ready:

  • Your OVH email address (e.g., / or any other email address depending on your domain name)
  • Password for your OVH email account
  • Incoming Mail Server (IMAP):
  • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
  • Port Numbers: IMAP (993) and SMTP (587)

Step 1: Install Thunderbird

If you haven’t already, download and install Mozilla Thunderbird from the official website: Thunderbird Download.

After installing thunderbird , you will end up with the .exe file
Thunderbird Installation - Thunderbird Setup wizard
Pick the default Setup Type
I Picked The Default installation Location
Finish & Lunch Mozilla Thunderbird

Step 2: Launch Thunderbird

Once Thunderbird is installed, launch the application.

Step 3: Add an Email Account

  • In Thunderbird, click on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to open the menu.
  • Select “Options” and then click on “Account Settings.”
After Filling your FullName , Email Address and Password > Click on “Configure Manually”

Step 4: Set Up Your Email Account

  • In the Account Settings window, click on “Account Actions.”
  • Select “Add Mail Account.”

If you already have another thunderbird email, follow this step in the picture below to add you new account :

Thunderbird settings > Account Settings > Account Actions > Add Mail Account

Step 5: Enter Your Account Details

  • In the Mail Account Setup window, enter your name, your OVH email address, and your password.
  • Click “Continue.”

Step 6: Configure the Server Settings

  • Thunderbird will try to automatically configure your account but may not get it right. If it doesn’t, click “Manual Config.
  • Configure the following settings:
  • Incoming: IMAP
  • Server Hostname (Incoming) :
  • Port (Incoming): 993
  • SSL (Incoming): SSL/TLS
  • Outgoing (Incoming): SMTP

— — —

  • Server Hostname (Outgoing) :
  • Port (Outgoing): 456
  • SSL (Outgoing): SSL/TLS
  • Click “Re-test” to verify your settings.

Manual Configuration (IMAP) :

Manual Config Image 1
Manual Config Image 2

Step 7: Account Verification

Thunderbird will test your settings. Once verified, click “Done.”

Step 8: Start Using Thunderbird

You’ve successfully set up your OVH email account on Thunderbird! You can now send and receive emails using Thunderbird on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 computer.

Additional Tips

  • To access your email, click on “Inbox” in the Thunderbird sidebar.
  • Thunderbird will automatically sync your emails, making them accessible offline.

Happy emailing!

