odoo 14 custom addons

Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2022

my_library custom addon on odoo 14


my odoo 14 is up and running now I go follow up on the following steps to add my_library.

add my_library folder there then :

  1. add my_library folder to this directory :
#sudo -s 
Enter your admin password
#cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo/addonsIf you have permission problems execute the following commands : #cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo/addons/my_library
#chmod 777 *
  1. open terminal as admin then go to : #cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo
  2. Start odoo with the following command :
    #python3 odoo-bin -i base -d odoo-test
  3. then open your browser and access the following url : http://localhost:8069
  4. Activate Developer mode and superuser then update apps list then search on your module, you will find it and can install it.
add your custom addon folder in this repo : #cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo/addons
# cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo# python3 odoo-bin -d odoo-test -i base --addons-path=addons,/root/odoo-dev/local-addons --db-filter=odoo-test$
update apps list then search on your module, you will find it and can install it

