Jennifer Chavez
MacArthur High School 2018–2019
2 min readDec 11, 2018


The lost world

Jade was a regular teenager or so she thought she was. One day a few years back earth was destroyed by a metroid. This lead to the earth losing its gravitational pull so that lead for us to get pulled into a black hole. Most if not all living things have died with the exception of some people that survived such as me and like ten other people. We have all gathered together. We don’t have any idea of how we are still alive and where or when we get there. We have no idea of how long we have been in here because we don’t have a way to tell time because its always dark.

“Hey look over there something is shining” said one of the survivors alex i think. She’s honestly kinda cute but right now is no time for relationship. With those words we found out that we weren’t in a black hole but in a spaceship. “ Alex step back” I said not wanting her to get hurt. I saw her move next to me many people come to me for safety because I us to be a former Army soldier. I had experience in many thing but I have never experience getting ABDUCTED I didn’t even believe in aliens in till today. That’s when i heard something coming I told everybody to be quite and to say sill. What surprised me more than anything was that the alien looked like a human i stared at it looking confused.

. “ you know that you’re one to right” the alien said “it’s just that you mother left to earth she married a human and had you. So your only part human” it said. “ how do you know so much about me?” I asked it. “Well that’s why everybody is here because either you’re all “alien” or you part human part “alien” “ it said. That is when everything came back to me all the memories all of it they all came from my mom in her perspective. I look at the alien and smiled he’s my cousin my mothers sisters son. “ It’s nice to meet you hunter. My mother remembers you very well” I said. He looked at me and smiled then hugged me. After that he want around slowly but surely they were remembering about where they came from all happy to see that they have family members that the get to see for the first time. Then alex came over to me and i had to take my shot so i grabbed her and kissed her in the lips. I was so happy she kissed back.

