I Am Not Brand New. I Am Macedonian.

Bill Nicholov
Published in
5 min readNov 1, 2019


If the West’s anti-Macedonian arguments were applied elsewhere, then the countries — and their people — that declared independence after the Iron Curtain fell would be deemed “brand new”. So, they didn’t have a history before 1991. The Armenian Genocide didn’t occur because there were no Armenians. Nameless, non-existent sub-humans were slaughtered by the Turks. All Ukrainians were six years old when the famous “Ukraine is game to you” Seinfeld episode aired. Quite a big accomplishment having been given a starring role on the greatest TV show ever for a brand-new invented nationality.

So tell me why these ridiculous arguments are applied to Macedonia. The artificial “name dispute”, admittedly created by Greece to deny the existence, persecution (and ultimate eradication) of Macedonians, has been deemed a “diplomatic dispute” between the “brand-new” Republic of Macedonia and Greece, Europe’s biggest violator of human rights. Greece wants the world to believe that its claim to Macedonia is “old” while Macedonia’s claim to MACEDONIA is “new”. They want you to believe that the independence declaration of a country is the creation of a people.

To even indulge any of Greece’s arguments is to enable the oppressor. Would you listen to anybody who denies that North American colonization brutalized First Nations cultures? Would you humour a Holocaust-denier? So why…



Bill Nicholov

Dad, husband, bestest friend you’ll ever have, President of Macedonian Human Rights Movement Intl, 3-time cancer survivor, desperate for attention, follow me!