Why Won’t You Defend My Ethnic Group Against Hate?

Bill Nicholov
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2020


If you must use a hashtag, at least let it guide you into action. (Graphic: ohchr.org)

I’ve condemned racism my entire life. I’ve been a human rights activist for as long as I can remember. When someone gets discriminated against based on their ethnic background it makes me livid.

And for my entire life, I’ve endured hate because of my ethnicity.

Now, I’m asking you for help. Will you help me? No, you probably won’t. Actually, I can almost guarantee it. But we’ll get to that in a bit.

I’ll tell you why I’m writing this op-ed. Because I was watching another news talk show that made me want to vomit. Pundits were talking about human rights, equality, but only condemning one side, the Republican Party (they do deserve it), for stoking racism and hatred. But they’re not looking in the mirror. And this is what makes me sick. The generic “glass house” analogy applies, but I’ll get right to the point. Don’t bother condemning racism if you’re a racist. You have no right.

My ethnic group is on the verge of collapse because of the people who are condemning the other side for racism. You see, Democrats, the supposed “good guys”, instituted a policy many years ago to rename and redefine my ethnic group, country, language and history to appease our oppressors. “My God, why?”, you ask? Hint: It’s related to US foreign interventionism and insatiable desire for imperialism. Have a



Bill Nicholov

Dad, husband, bestest friend you’ll ever have, President of Macedonian Human Rights Movement Intl, 3-time cancer survivor, desperate for attention, follow me!