You Wouldn’t Give Away Your Ethnic Identity. So Why Should Macedonians?

Bill Nicholov
Dialogue & Discourse


Rally in defence of Macedonia’s name — Skopje, Macedonia (From: Macedonian Human Rights Movement International)

No politician, diplomat, bureaucrat or journalist I’ve ever asked this question has answered it. Yet they’re quick to tell me to give away my ethnic identity. They try to convince me that the forced renaming of Macedonia, the redefining of what it has ever meant to be Macedonian, and the literal rewriting of Macedonian history is a “good thing because it resolves a diplomatic dispute”. What they’re really telling me is that my ethnic group is lesser than theirs.

The artificial “name dispute” — admittedly created by Greece to eradicate the existence of Macedonians as an ethnic group — involved Greece (with Bulgaria hopping on board) vetoing Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership bids unless Macedonia changed its name, identity and history into “North Macedonians” from “North Macedonia” while simultaneously giving the term “Macedonia” to Greece and Bulgaria, depending on context. Further, Macedonian history is being rewritten by Greek and Bulgarian “scholars” to reflect Greek and Bulgarian anti-Macedonian viewpoints. In Bulgaria’s case, they even threw in revisions of Jewish history (yes, really) to erase their anti-Semitic past.

But why did the EU and NATO, led by the United States, enable and support Greece and Bulgaria in their quest to annihilate the existence of Macedonians’ ethnic identity…



Bill Nicholov
Dialogue & Discourse

Dad, husband, bestest friend you’ll ever have, President of Macedonian Human Rights Movement Intl, 3-time cancer survivor, desperate for attention, follow me!