The Sabri’s put the “Family” in Fireball Family

Mac Eng Fireball Diaries
MacEng Fireball Diaries
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

Author: Andy Tang

McMaster’s Engineering community considers itself to be a family. Within the close-knit McMaster Engineering community, the bonds go beyond collaboration. Students and staff extend care and support, creating an atmosphere that propels individuals toward success in their engineering journeys. But have you ever imagined families studying together at McMaster? It’s an exciting dynamic that adds a special touch to the family aspect of the Fireball community!

This year in Mac Eng, the Sabri siblings — Omar, Mohamed, and Haya — are all studying Engineering under the same roof. While Omar is now in his final year, Haya has just started her journey at McMaster.

The Sabri Siblings.

Their roots in engineering run deep, tracing back to their father’s impactful career in civil engineering and their uncle’s esteemed role as an electrical engineering professor in Egypt. Inspired by the family and their passion for science and engineering, the Sabri siblings found themselves drawn into the academic embrace of McMaster University, becoming integral members of the Fireball family.

Omar, the eldest, found his calling in the complexity of math and physics, taking the first steps to the Sabri legacy at McMaster. In his time at McMaster, he has taken learning all about electrical engineering in the classroom and labs while also gaining hands-on experiences in a 12-month co-op placement at Toronto Hydro. He has also supported the McMaster community through various extracurricular involvements.

Omar, the eldest, studying his final year of electrical engineering

Driven by a curiosity for engineering, Mohamed discovered joy in disassembling and reassembling toys, unknowingly laying the groundwork for their engineering pursuits. Mohamed, who is also pursuing electrical engineering, is enthusiastic about taking on technical challenges and hands-on experience. He actively engages in McMaster’s engineering community, emphasizing the fellowship and collaborative spirit that define the Fireball atmosphere.

Mohamed, the middle child, studying electrical engineering (Level 2)

Haya, who just began her first year of engineering, is excited to create her journey while looking up to her brothers. Driven by a clear vision of being a woman in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Haya, surrounded by engineers throughout her life, gained valuable insights into the challenging environment of the engineering field. Inspired by her brother Mohamed’s projects, she marveled at the challenging nature of coding and designing various objects. Despite the challenges posed in her courses of calculus, linear algebra, physics, and sociology, Haya attests that with daily practice and effective time management, overcoming these hurdles is not only possible but achievable.

Haya, the youngest, just began her first year of engineering.

As Omar approaches graduation, Mohamed navigates the depths of electrical engineering, and Haya embarks on her introductory year in McMaster’s engineering program, the Sabri siblings collectively create a narrative that celebrates individual pursuits while emphasizing the collective strength and unity that characterize the Fireball family within the legendary halls of MacEng. Together, they manifest the spirit of the Fireball, highlighting that engineering excellence and familial bonds seamlessly inspire their detailed journey.

Engineering, for the Sabri family, is not just a shared pursuit; it is the glue that binds them together. Their collective journey through the halls of MacEng, each sibling carving their unique path within the world of science and engineering, has become a testament to the unifying power of shared passion. Their familial bond, nurtured by discussions about circuitry, late-night study sessions, and the triumphs over academic challenges, have strengthened over the years.

As ambassadors for the Fireball family, the Sabris stand as beacons, displaying individual accomplishments and inspiring other families to embark on collective journeys. Their story resonates as an invitation for families to explore the wonders of learning together and fostering long lasting bonds.



Mac Eng Fireball Diaries
MacEng Fireball Diaries

A collection of stories and personal experiences from our incredible McMaster Engineering students.