Why did we develop a new edition of Machbase(All-in-One Time Series Database) TSDB?

Machbase Neo Story

4 min readAug 30, 2023


● Introduction
● Traditional IoT Data Platform (Complex!)
● Innovative All-In-One model(Simple!)
● Conclusion


In the data services industry, numerous software stacks have been employed to construct specific data services architectures. Consequently, systems for collecting, storing, extracting, and servicing large volumes of data have become extensive, time-consuming, and costly. This architecture operates independently of data quality, diverting developers’ focus from core tasks to various auxiliary responsibilities necessary for the service to function.

In essence, more effort is invested in tasks such as collecting, transforming, transporting, integrating, and maintaining diverse data types than in handling the data itself. For instance, enabling the MQTT protocol requires the addition of servers, provision of the protocol, and development of modules compatible with data stores.

Machbase Neo (All-in-One Time Series Database) addresses these challenges by consolidating most data processing solutions into a single time series database server. The primary objective of Machbase Neo is to establish an environment where developers can concentrate on essential tasks, with surrounding work automated or minimized whenever possible.

The diagram below illustrates the tasks undertaken by a development team, starting from the collection of specific data and concluding with the delivery of the final service. The deployment process for these services encompasses at least 8 steps, with the actual deployment requiring numerous additional detailed steps.

This is the most typical architecture of a big data service platform to build the services mentioned earlier.

Traditional IoT Data Platform (Complex!)

On the surface, it’s a collection of almost a dozen or more open-source components, with the structural weakness of being unusable if any one component fails. In practice, it is exceptionally rare for a service built like this to successfully and seamlessly serve customers. This depiction is essentially an idealized architecture; however, in the real world, it leads to prohibitive deployment costs, time commitments, and maintenance challenges.

Let’s delve into what’s causing these issues. Firstly, there’s a need to consider protocols and security for collecting different types of data. Subsequently, ensuring the reliable delivery of data to storage while maintaining performance is crucial. On the service side, there’s the task of swiftly converting and delivering data from storage into various formats that users desire. The service should not only avoid slowing down with an increasing number of data points or sensors but also evolve without disrupting the existing service.

To compound the challenge, when specific errors or failures occur in the service, pinpointing the cause becomes very difficult. It’s a limitation of the architecture that necessitates navigating through dozens and dozens of steps for a service, resulting in an unending series of progressively laborious and intricate service maintenance tasks.

Innovative All-In-One model(Simple!)

That’s why Machbase Neo (All-in-One Time Series Database) was developed to address the complex problems mentioned in the previous chapter. The simpler the architecture of a particular service, the better the quality, performance, and maintainability of the service.

The figure below illustrates a simplified version of the complex architecture shown previously, with Machbase Neo at its core. In the data collection and transformation function, data can be input in various protocols supported by Machbase. Utilizing TQL, complex and awkward data formats can be instantly transformed into the structure required by the database. Furthermore, the database’s vast repository of hundreds of billions of records can be delivered to users in real-time through a variety of protocols. It can be converted and delivered in real-time via TQL into the specific format required by the user.

This ensures that the process of collecting, converting, storing, extracting, and reconverting user data is designed to be extremely robust and reliable — a distinctive and innovative value that only Machbase Neo can deliver. To enhance the convenience of this architecture, Machbase Neo currently offers dozens of features. We can confidently assert that when fully utilized, these features can save developers over 90% of the time and money they would have spent in the past.

If you’re eager to explore these features, Machbase Neo includes numerous tutorials and worksheets within the package for you to try out.


In this article, we’ve explained why Machbase Neo (All-in-One Time Series Database) was developed and the value it provides. If you’d like to learn more or try it for yourself, please contact us at the provided address. We hope Machbase Neo proves to be a great solution for your needs.

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Machbase stands as the world’s fastest timeseries database, offering an ideal solution for diverse environments. Whether it’s edge devices with limited resources or clusters processing massive amounts of data, Machbase excels in scalability to meet the demands of any scenario.




MACHBASE is the world's fastest time series database for IIoT data, with TPC-validated performance (https://zrr.kr/c4Si).