Machine Learning and Grant Writing…

Julie Nashawaty
Machine Intelligence Report
2 min readDec 28, 2015

As an Airbnb host, I meet a lot of really interesting people. One of my guests is a scientist at John Hopkins and was in Boston for a conference. We toasted to Airbnb as we clinked vodkas and he told me how frustrating being a scientist is these days. Turns out that to be a scientist, you also have to be an English major that mostly writes and barely scientist-s.

I didn’t know how complex “Grant Writing” can be. You spend hours, days, weeks, years of your life writing the perfect proposal. You finally release it to ridiculously smart men/women and then they read it on their “down time”. The second said grant looks negative and like it won’t be a thing, they toss the proposal and move on to their next grant.

My Airbnb’er was also from Portugal so his English wasn’t native. His grants were written in his English… which well, after so many guests, I find myself explaining that “stupid good” actually means “reallllllly good”. I’ve also been taught that “innit” means just about everything to everyone in the UK. He needed a little more help.

Back to grant writing. Over at indico, we support 12 languages for sentiment analysis. Say I write something like the the below. By changing ONE simple word in context, you and I know it’s that much better.

The old days of machine learning didn’t understand how words played well together. And when you pair your words with SentimentHQ? Well, we just broke the record for accuracy at indico. Put your context through the API and keep changing it up until you’re spot on.

You can have all your friends, family, and co-workers read over your grant. A hundred times. But, that’s really just not an option.

If you run it through our machine learning API… well, let’s just say it’s near best to human accuracy. Come on….

Grant Writing #FTF! (#FTF = For the future… I may just have to start using that one more)

Email me at to talk about struggles. I love problem solving and I just got my first email from my posts yesterday. It was my favorite Christmas present.



Julie Nashawaty
Machine Intelligence Report

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