Chapter 1 : Supervised Learning and Naive Bayes Classification — Part 2 (Coding)

Savan Patel
Machine Learning 101
7 min readMay 2, 2017
The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.

Note: If you haven’t gone through first part, theory of Naive Bayes, I would suggest you to read through it. (4 mins read) here.

In this part we shall explore sklearn library. sklearn in python provides ready to use popular machine learning algorithm like Naive Bayes. (It involves others as well like SVM... that will be part of future posts). Having this, relieves you from manually coding your own Naive Bayes implementation.

Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day.
Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.

The Coding Exercise

In this exercise we shall train the model with set of emails labelled as either from Spam or Not Spam. There are 702 emails equally divided into spam and non spam category. Next, we shall test the model on 260 emails. We shall ask model to predict the category of this emails and compare the accuracy with correct classification that we already know.

This is classical example of text data mining.


This tutorial assumes the coding exercise is being done on Debian based Linux. The installation instruction may vary from OS you are using, however the python code remains same.

  1. Install Python.
  2. Install pip.
  3. Install sklearn for python : pip install scikit-learn
  4. Install numpy: pip install numpy
  5. Install SciPy: pip install scipy

0. Download

I have created a git repository for the data set and the sample code. You can download it from here (Use chapter 1 folder). Its same data set discussed in this chapter. I would suggest you to follow through the discussion and do the coding yourself. In case it fails, you can use/refer my version to understand working.

1. Cleaning and Preparing the data

We have two folders test-mails and train-mails. We will use train-mails to train the model. The sample email data set looks like:

Subject: re : 2 . 882 s - > np np> deat : sun , 15 dec 91 2 : 25 : 2 est > : michael < mmorse @ vm1 . yorku . ca > > subject : re : 2 . 864 query > > wlodek zadrozny ask " anything interest " > construction " s > np np " . . . second , > much relate : consider construction form > discuss list late reduplication ? > logical sense " john mcnamara name " tautologous thus , > level , indistinguishable " , , here ? " . ' john mcnamara name ' tautologous support those logic-base semantics irrelevant natural language . sense tautologous ? supplies value attribute follow attribute value . fact value name-attribute relevant entity ' chaim shmendrik ' , ' john mcnamara name ' false . tautology , . ( reduplication , either . )

First line is subject and the content starts from the third line.

If you navigate to any of the train-mails or test-mails, you shall see file names in two patterns

number-numbermsg[number].txt : example 3-1msg1.txt (this are non spam emails)ORspmsg[Number].txt : example spmsga162.txt (these files are of spam emails).

The very first step in text data mining task is to clean and prepare the data for a model. In cleaning we remove the non required words, expressions and symbols from text.

Consider a text:

“Hi, this is Alice. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your vacation.”

Here the words like is, this, are, and etc don’t really contribute to the analysis. Such words are also called stop words.Hence in this exercise, we consider only most frequent 3000 words of dictionary from email. Following is code snippet.

After cleaning what we need is every email document, we should be some matrix representation of the word frequency.

For example if document contains the text: “Hi, this is Alice. Happy Birthday Alice” after cleaning, we want something in line

word      :   Hi this is Alice Happy Birthday
frequency : 1 1 1 2 1 1

And we need this for every document. the extract_features (section 2) function below does this and then removes less common words for every document.

def make_Dictionary(root_dir):
all_words = []
emails = [os.path.join(root_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(root_dir)]
for mail in emails:
with open(mail) as m:
for line in m:
words = line.split()
all_words += words
dictionary = Counter(all_words)
# if you have python version 3.x use commented version.
# list_to_remove = list(dictionary)
list_to_remove = dictionary.keys()
for item in list_to_remove:
# remove if numerical.
if item.isalpha() == False:
del dictionary[item]
elif len(item) == 1:
del dictionary[item]

# consider only most 3000 common words in dictionary.
dictionary = dictionary.most_common(3000) return dictionary

make_Dictionary reads the email files from a folder, constructs a dictionary for all words. Next, we delete words of length 1 and that are not purely alphabetical.

At last we only extract out 3000 most common words.

2. Extracting features and corresponding label matrix.

Next with the help of dictionary, we generate a label and word frequency matrix

word      :   Hi this is Alice Happy Birthday
frequency : 1 1 1 2 1 1
word : Hi this is Alice Happy Birthday
frequency : 1 1 1 2 1 1
def extract_features(mail_dir):
files = [os.path.join(mail_dir,fi) for fi in os.listdir(mail_dir)]
features_matrix = np.zeros((len(files),3000))
train_labels = np.zeros(len(files))
count = 0;
docID = 0;
for fil in files:
with open(fil) as fi:
for i,line in enumerate(fi):
if i == 2:
words = line.split()
for word in words:
wordID = 0
for i,d in enumerate(dictionary):
if d[0] == word:
wordID = i
features_matrix[docID,wordID] = words.count(word)
train_labels[docID] = 0;
filepathTokens = fil.split('/')
lastToken = filepathTokens[len(filepathTokens) - 1]
if lastToken.startswith("spmsg"):
train_labels[docID] = 1;
count = count + 1
docID = docID + 1
return features_matrix, train_labels

3.Training and predicting with sklearn Naive Bayes

The documentation (here) of sklearn Naive Bayes lucidly explains the usage and parameters.

Basically, sklearn Naive Bayes provides three alternatives for model training:

  • Gaussian: It is used in classification and it assumes that features follow a normal distribution.
  • Multinomial: It is used for discrete counts. For example, let’s say, we have a text classification problem. Here we can consider bernoulli trials which is one step further and instead of “word occurring in the document”, we have “count how often word occurs in the document”, you can think of it as “number of times outcome number x_i is observed over the n trials”.
  • Bernoulli: The binomial model is useful if your feature vectors are binary (i.e. zeros and ones). One application would be text classification with ‘bag of words’ model where the 1s & 0s are “word occurs in the document” and “word does not occur in the document” respectively.

In this exercise we shall use Gaussian. The sample code snippet looks like

TRAIN_DIR = "../train-mails"
TEST_DIR = "../test-mails"
dictionary = make_Dictionary(TRAIN_DIR)# using functions mentioned above.
features_matrix, labels = extract_features(TRAIN_DIR)
test_feature_matrix, test_labels = extract_features(TEST_DIR)
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
model = GaussianNB()
#train model, labels)
predicted_labels = model.predict(test_feature_matrix)

4. Accuracy Score

Next we compare the accuracy score for predicted labels. Accuracy score is just percentage of correct predictions. Again here, sklearn provides neat implementation for accuracy score calculation.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
accuracy = accuracy_score(test_labels, predicted_labels)

5. Putting together pieces

import os
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
def make_Dictionary(root_dir):
all_words = []
emails = [os.path.join(root_dir,f) for f in os.listdir(root_dir)]
for mail in emails:
with open(mail) as m:
for line in m:
words = line.split()
all_words += words
dictionary = Counter(all_words)
list_to_remove = dictionary.keys()
for item in list_to_remove:
if item.isalpha() == False:
del dictionary[item]
elif len(item) == 1:
del dictionary[item]
dictionary = dictionary.most_common(3000)
return dictionarydef extract_features(mail_dir):
files = [os.path.join(mail_dir,fi) for fi in os.listdir(mail_dir)]
features_matrix = np.zeros((len(files),3000))
train_labels = np.zeros(len(files))
count = 0;
docID = 0;
for fil in files:
with open(fil) as fi:
for i,line in enumerate(fi):
if i == 2:
words = line.split()
for word in words:
wordID = 0
for i,d in enumerate(dictionary):
if d[0] == word:
wordID = i
features_matrix[docID,wordID] = words.count(word)
train_labels[docID] = 0;
filepathTokens = fil.split('/')
lastToken = filepathTokens[len(filepathTokens) - 1]
if lastToken.startswith("spmsg"):
train_labels[docID] = 1;
count = count + 1
docID = docID + 1
return features_matrix, train_labels
TRAIN_DIR = "../train-mails"
TEST_DIR = "../test-mails"
dictionary = make_Dictionary(TRAIN_DIR)print "reading and processing emails from file."
features_matrix, labels = extract_features(TRAIN_DIR)
test_feature_matrix, test_labels = extract_features(TEST_DIR)
model = GaussianNB()print "Training model."
#train model, labels)
predicted_labels = model.predict(test_feature_matrix)print "FINISHED classifying. accuracy score : "
print accuracy_score(test_labels, predicted_labels)

You can find the code in my you downloaded (link here).

Comment down the below what accuracy score you got!

Tasks For you

  1. Try out other models ; Multinomial and Bernoulli and compare what accuracy score you get.
  2. Try changing amount of most frequent words from 3000 to large and small value and plot the graph of accuracy you get.

Comment down below your thoughts.


The Naive Bayes considers the independence in features. For example it assumes the occurrence of one word/ feature is independent of other. But in real life it may not be so ( occurrence of morning is high after Good). I hope chapter 1 ( theory and this one) gave a good amount of insight in Naive Bayes.

I would love to here suggestions and feedback from you. Feel free to comment down your ideas, feedback or thoughts. Hit 💓 button if you liked the post. Peace.

The bugs!



Savan Patel
Machine Learning 101

Computer Engineer. Just started exploring machine learning.