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Machine Learning for Humans
Demystifying artificial intelligence & machine learning
AI Reading List
AI Reading List
For newcomers to the field of artificial intelligence, prioritizing among endless AI resources can be an overwhelming challenge. This list…
Vishal Maini
Jun 19, 2019
A Beginner’s Guide to AI/ML 🤖👶
A Beginner’s Guide to AI/ML 🤖👶
The ultimate guide to machine learning. Simple, plain-English explanations accompanied by math, code, and real-world examples.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
The Best Machine Learning Resources
The Best Machine Learning Resources
A compendium of resources for crafting a curriculum on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 5: Reinforcement Learning
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 5: Reinforcement Learning
Exploration and exploitation. Markov decision processes. Q-learning, policy learning, and deep reinforcement learning.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 4: Neural Networks & Deep Learning
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 4: Neural Networks & Deep Learning
Where, why, where, and how deep neural networks work. Drawing inspiration from the brain. CNNs and RNNs. Real-world applications.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 3: Unsupervised Learning
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 3: Unsupervised Learning
Clustering and dimensionality reduction: k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, PCA, SVD.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 2.3: Supervised Learning III
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 2.3: Supervised Learning III
Non-parametric models: k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and random forests. Introducing cross-validation and ensemble models.
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 2.2: Supervised Learning II
Machine Learning for Humans, Part 2.2: Supervised Learning II
Classification with logistic regression and support vector machines (SVMs).
Vishal Maini
Aug 19, 2017
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