Experiments with MobileNet

Chian Huang
Machine Learning for Web
1 min readNov 11, 2018

For the very first homework, I tried the example, Regression with Feature Extractor and play with it in a more interactive way.

I made a very simple chasing burger game. Basically, I uploaded a burger to replace the original object and add some reaction to it. For example, when I successfully have the burger, the background will turn into grey and the text will show up saying “Yayyy! Great Job!” In contrast, if I don’t have the burger, the background will remain green and the text says “Keep trying, Chian!”

The first try out, I test out 50 samples at three different locations. As the result, it’s not so accurate.

For the second try out, I tested with 100 samples from each location. As the result, the accuracy increases!

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