Collaboration and anchoring in the company — AI & ML is changing the way to manage change!

Steffen Looks
Machine Learning Reply DACH
2 min readMay 27, 2021

After reading the previous texts, you are now able to successfully develop your AI & ML Use Case and deploy it to production. However, there is still one topic that most companies underestimate, hindering them in their pursuit of the big AI & ML success. This topic is change management. In a final project step, the bundling of all measures that will form the basis for the continuous anchoring of the ML & AI projects in the organization is gaining importance. Experience shows that AI & ML projects often fail due to insufficient awareness of the enormous change processes both at staff and at management level. Project success, motivation, intra-company sponsorship, acceptance of decisions and the satisfaction of entire departments — all depends on transparent communication and the involvement of all active and passive stakeholders in the journey of scaled AI & ML solutions.

The change management that we offer and that you will learn in the Machine Learning Incubator will support with two overarching blocks throughout the project, including both the active and passive ways of communication.

1. Measures for understanding ML & AI solutions (passive communication)

2. Measures to train employees (active communication)

Passive AI & ML change management aims for a number-based side of change, while active change management in AI focusses on enhancing the people and their motivation. Organizational hierarchies are becoming less rigid with a strengthening of agile change approaches.

On the technical side, change management involves the cross-departmental and cross-project introduction of a development process. This process leads to standardized components with minimal complexity and consistently high quality and traceability and, consequently, good maintainability. This is the only way to ensure to keep the total cost of ownership low over a longer period of time and across many projects, while at the same time maintaining high development productivity. To support you on that journey, the Incubator program conducts a technical training and guides you with the introduction of AI & ML collaboration tools and further automation of the development processes.

In summary, the ML Incubator is the ideal holistic workshop program to enable and support employees, managers and even C-Level on their way to successfully understand and use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Despite the strengths of all AI & ML activities, humans are and forever will be the main resource of your economic strength. With our

technology and knowledge, we optimize and accelerate decisions, while never forgetting the people on our way of managing the process of change.

