Stochastic Gradient Descent

Solomon Xie
Machine Learning Study Notes
1 min readJan 8, 2019

Refer to: Linear Regression Tutorial Using Gradient Descent for Machine Learning

Gradient Descent is the process of minimizing a function by following the gradients of the cost function.

In Machine learning we can use a similar technique called stochastic gradient descent to minimize the error of a model on our training data.

The way this works is that each training instance is shown to the model one at a time. The model makes a prediction for a training instance, the error is calculated and the model is updated in order to reduce the error for the next prediction.

This procedure can be used to find the set of coefficients in a model that result in the smallest error for the model on the training data.
Each iteration the coefficients, called weights (w) in machine learning language are updated using the equation:

w = w – alpha * delta

Where w is the coefficient or weight being optimized,
alpha is a learning rate that you must configure (e.g. 0.1) and
gradient is the error for the model on the training data attributed to the weight.



Solomon Xie
Machine Learning Study Notes

Jesus follower, Yankees fan, Casual Geek, Otaku, NFS Racer.