Internship Program —Work with Machine Ventures

At Machine Ventures, we have designed a program for OJT seekers or individuals considering a career change to have a chance to be an intern in our company!

Val Ocampo
Machine Ventures
3 min readFeb 19, 2018


Disclaimer: Unlike most companies, we do not ask you to just get coffee for the office everyday, but to hustle and push to bring out the best results! So for our aspiring intern, you have been advised to prepare yourself for a Machine-ful journey.

What is The Internship Program?

Internship Program is where we train fresh, young students or graduates day-to-day operations of how work in Machine Ventures is being done. Although you are classified as an intern,

As either 3-month or 6-month program where interns are given a working bandwidth almost equivalent to a full-time employee, therefore providing an insightful learning opportunity to gain entrepreneurial experiences.

The main objective of the program is to harness these interns to become wholesome Machinists — a group of people who are hungry for innovation and inclusivity, advocates of community building and tech driven individuals to make sure that we are here to make the Philippines a better place.

We have a pool of bright minds where interns will have wide selection of mentors to work with. We practice an open work-space in the office, so if you want to talk to your manager directly or the CEO himself, you are free to do so!

How Does it Work?

1. Get Started: Becoming a Machinist!

At the beginning, you will be assigned to a portfolio company or team where you have a wide selection of mentors you can approach. Responsibilities and goals will be given to you and it’s important that you hustle by making sure they are achieved. Also, you will be given credible resources that is not just for company use, but for your own personal development as well — a tech driven and goal oriented Machinist.

2. Let’s Get To Work!

During your stay in Machine, it is expected that you are to fulfill all your responsibilities — not just for your OJT hours, but for your team’s goals. Like they said, there is no I in team so make sure you work hard and bring out the best results!

3. Feedback sessions: Get Better Everyday!

You will be assigned to one immediate manager whom you will report to everyday, and once a week, you are to meet him/her to discuss your honest feedback whether it’s about the company, your duties or what changes should be done.

This is very important as not only will you have a chance to contribute your own insights for the company, but a way for your manager to let you know on what points can you make yourself better as a Machinist.

4. Monthly Review

Besides the weekly feedback sessions, you are also being evaluated every month regarding your stay in Machine. During these sessions, this is to review if you are hitting your KPIs as stated in the beginning of your internship program.

5. 3rd or 6th Month Performance Review

Lastly (depending until when you are staying with us), you will have a final review session on your stay with us. This will be the overall performance evaluation with your manager and knowing if your work has been satisfactory.

For graduating students, internships are a great way to use as an alternative class or convert them into OJT hours in order to complete academic requirements. We hope that working in Machine is not just to fulfill your schooling, but to fulfill your personal development and to open your career path.

Apprenticeship Program vs. Internship Program

If you think that apprenticeships and internships are similar, then you are totally barking up the wrong tree.

Apprenticeship Program is fit for candidates who want to join Machine’s core-team as a fresh graduate or an aspiring entrepreneur. It comes with allowance and is designed to find the right fit within the 4-month program to eventually result into a spot in the team.

Internship Program is fit for candidates who would like to gain entrepreneurial experience and at the same time, complete this as their On-Job-Training (OJT). Internships at Machine are possible as 3-month or 6-month engagements and do not entail a job offer an the end of the program.

Ready? Apply now @



Val Ocampo
Machine Ventures

Filipina with a devoted heart to tech, beauty & music. Work-life involves