Sudha Jamthe’s Speaking Calendar

Sudha Jamthe
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2018

Sudha Jamthe keynotes on the topics of Cognitive IoT, Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Autonomous Vehicles, from a Business Disruption and Futuristic angle.

Her slides are typically on slideshare here. If you are a conference organizer and want to invite her to speak email here.


new Oct 17, 2018: CT5 — Fireside Chat: ‘Data and Digitization Driving Mobility Experience in Connected Transportation’ Barcelona.

This is a fireside chat I am hosting with Jöm Göres of Diamler,AG and Fabian Simmer of SEAT and plan to bring a futuristic lens to the in-auto mobility experience of connected cars leading to the Driverless World. Digitization of cars is driving new in-auto experiences which is creating strategic opportunities and large volumes of data. Ping me here or Twitter if you have questions for me.

new Oct 3, 2018: “AI Powering the Car for Telematics and Connectivity” at TU Automotive West Coast, San Jose.

June 26, 2018: Autonomous Transportation Future Immersion by Filenes Research, NY (keynote)(slides)

June 21, 2018: IoT Slam: IoT Disruptions in the Driverless World (virtual)

June 20, 2018: International Women in Engineering Day ‘AV Revolution vs Evolution debate’. My topic is titled “AI to revolutionize AVs” (virtually joining event ITS UK) (slides)

June 11, 1018: WITI Summit Autonomous Vehicles Panel (tech chair & moderator), Santa Clara, CA

May 17th, 2018: Connected and Autonomous World (sister conf to IoT World) Santa Clara Convention center, CA:“Ask Mercedes: Digital Transformation at Mercedes-Bens” (I did a fireside chat with Kyle Columbus of Mercedes-Benz) (slides)

May 8th, 2018: Singularity University, Colloquium, Mountainview, CA “AI driving the future of Transportation” (keynote)

April 25th, 2018: WITI: How to pivot your career to Cognitive IoT(webinar) (slides)

April 18th, 2018 MoNage, Mountainview, CA: Cognitive AI Conversations (keynote)

April 13, 2018: Internet of Things Summit, San Francisco (conf chair + keynote) “5 AI Technologies to the Driverless World”(slides)

April 6, 2018: Palo Alto Rotary Club , Future of Autonomous Vehicles (keynote)

March 27, 2018: NWAP Keynote: Cognitive IOT, eBay San Jose, CA (keynote)

March 25, 2018: AV OpenPower Meetup, Mountainview, CA: AI towards the Driverless World.(keynote) (slides)

Sudha Jamthe keynote: AI towards a Driverless World

March 6, 2018: Boston University Questron School of Business: The Business of Self-Driving Cars (Talk to MBA students)

Jan 7th, 2018: SVIEF Global Car Summit, Santa Clara Convention Center, CA: AI’s Implications for the Future of Transportation (keynote) (slides)

Jan 6th, 2018: Consumer Electronic Forum on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Silicon Valley): Internet of Things (IoT) Trends (keynote) (slides)


Cheddar TV: AT&T IoT Segment (guest)

Oct 20: UXNEXT Cognitive Conversations for the future of Engagement (keynote) (slides)

Oct 19th NorCal BMA: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive Customer Centric Marketing (slides)

Oct 15, 2017: The Machine Learning of Biometrics in Cognitive IoT (online)

Oct 11, 2017: AskTheCEO Episode 51 with Sudha Jamthe (podcast)

AskTheCEO with Sudha Jamthe

Oct 10, 2017: Digital Transformation at Barcelona Technology School (keynote)

Sudha Jamthe keynote about Digital Transformation at Barcelona Technology School

Aug 29, 2017 : Global Big Data Conference: Keynote: Big Data Disruption in the world of AI and Autonomous Vehicles (keynote) (slides)

IoT Slam Health

IBM Cognitive IoT panel at IoT Slam (panel)

Podcast: SoShoShow: Driverless World

July 31st, 2017: Machine Intelligence at NPU, National Polytecnic University, Fremont, CA (university visit)

May 2017: WITI WINS IoT panel (moderator)

May 9th, 2017: How Cognitive IoT is shaping the Digital Economy(podcast)

April 15th, 2017: Autonomous World at The LinkedIn Lady podcast

Mar 28th: Keynote: Competitive Intelligence for an Autonomous World (keynote) (slides)

Mar 24th, 2017 : “What Are The Main Roadblocks to Investing in the Autonomous Vehicles Sector?” at RE:Work Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit, San Francisco, CA (panel)

Mar 23rd, 2017 :Car Talk: The Conversations of Automobiles at MoNage, San Jose, CA (keynote)

Mar 20: Keynote: Business Disruptions from Innovative Technologies at Stanford, SVICenter Talent Unleashed (keynote)

Mar 10 : The Business Power of Cognitive IoT Data at Predictive Analytics Summit, San Francisco (keynote)

Feb 15, 2017: Understanding IoT with Sudha Jamthe JC Giralo’s Business Podcast(Podcast)


Dec 2016: Coffee with a GameChanger (podcast)

Dec 2016: IoT Health Slam: Machine Intelligence Applications AI (keynote)(virtual)

Oct 2016 IoT Tech Expo (keynote)

Oct 2016: IoT World, Santa Clara (keynote)

Oct 2016 : What is Machine Learning at Barcelona Technology School, Barcelona, Spain (university talk)

Aug 8th, 2016: IoT Evolution, Las Vegas (keynote)

Sudha Jamthe Keynote at IoT Evolution 2016, Las Vegas

Aug 2016, Limitless World for Students at National Polytechnic University, Fremont, CA (university talk) (slides)

July 5th, 2016: IoT Track, INRIT, Thailand “Business Disruptions with Robots, Drones & Algorithms” (kenote) (ondemand)

INRIT IoT Track, Thailand keynote Sudha Jamthe

March 2016 IoT Izmir,Turkey (keynote)

“IoT Disruptions” at SAP Developer Conference, 2016

Coffee with a GameChanger (podcast)

Re:Work Machine Intelligence panel, San Francisco,CA

May 2015: IoT Disruptions (keynote)


Dec 2014: Good Commerce Experience in Internet of Things at Internet of Things Summit, CA. (panel)


Oct 30, 2012: Social Intelligence at the social centers at Sentiment Analysis Symposium. (panel)


Aug 2011, Trends in Social Commerce, Social DevCamp, Chicago, USA

March 2011, Kicking Community Ass: Building Better Influence at SXSW, Austin, USA (core conversation)

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Sudha Jamthe

Passion drives me: People, AI & Autonomous Vehicles Business @StanfordCSP, Vegetarian. Aspiration: a limitless world.