DIY Teargas Mask

Josie King
Machines Room
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020

In light of the recent protests globally and the presence of police brutality, I thought I’d share a video I made a few years ago. This simple design can be made with what you have at home and give some protection against both coronavirus and more importantly pepper spray or tear gas used by police.

*Disclaimer** The use of the Nifty and Buzzfeed brand logo in the video was intended for parody, caricature and pastiche and is protected under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

*when defending against pepper spray and teargas antacids are a lot more effective then the vinegar used here, for the UK try Gavisgon and for the US try Maddox.

I made this video whilst exploring different ways DIY and instructions to make things were published and distributed for contrasting purposes. Specifically, it references an instruction from the Anarchist’s Cookbook, merged with the design language of Buzzfeed style craft videos.

The Anarchist’s Cookbook was a 70’s publication by William Powell written during the height of America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Powell wrote in the foreword to the text:

‘If the real people of America, the silent majority, are going to survive, they must educate themselves. That is the purpose of this book.’

Powell has since renounced the violent measures detailed in this text, calling for it to be discontinued repeatedly. He wrote in a letter to the fan club in 2001 which was later published by the Observer,

‘The book was a misguided product of my adolescent anger at the prospect of being drafted and sent to Vietnam to fight in a war that I did not believe in. The central idea was that violence is an acceptable means to bring about political change. I no longer agree with this.’

However, there are some ‘recipes’ that do deserve to be shared as they provide measures that help protect people from police brutality rather than violence and explosives.

One way valve modification courtesy of ‘Stuart Yang’

Alternative instructions courtesy of ‘Will You Survive’

  • *Disclaimer** We cannot be held responsible for any injury or death that may occur while attempting anything in this video. Please be responsible.

