Announcing the Beta Launch of Machi X|Machi X Beta版本正式上線

Machi X Official
Machi X Official
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

Today we are excited to announce the public beta release of Machi X! You can now log into Machi X at our website:

What is Machi X?

Machi X is a marketplace for discovery and support of intellectual properties (IP) and their rights. Machi X enables buying and selling of intellectual properties, starting with music copyrights. Previous to Machi X, there was no marketplace for intellectual properties that connected artists and supporters, allowed for fractional ownership and provide global reach.

Machi X is a platform that enables content creators to provide fractional ownership of their copyrights to fans and supporters so that content creators can have alternative funding options while turning supporters and fans into collectors of their music.

Music Copyrights at Launch

For the first round of tracks listed on Machi X, we are proud to onboard songs made famous by three different Golden Melody Awards (金曲獎) winners — Stanley Huang (黃立行), Jolin Tsai (蔡依林), and Khalil Fong (方大同). The Golden Melody Awards are often referred to as the Grammy Awards of Asia, and are loved and followed by over 1.5 billion fans globally.

Beta Availability

This beta release is made available to allow early fans and supporters of Machi X to test the platform, while being the first people in the world to participate in collecting music copyright tokens.

Users can now purchase copyright tokens with the USDT and DAI stablecoins, and with credit cards . During beta period, no trading fees will be charged.

Looking Back to Look Ahead

Since we drafted the initial plans for Machi X, we have had many conversations with artists, fans, lawyers, regulators, bankers, and technologists on the implementation of Machi X. Through these last few months, we have architected and re-architected the legal framework that we are following, revisited the way in which users would interact with copyright tokens, and debated often about how to craft a product that is easy to understand for both crypto-native users as well as mainstream, non-crypto-savvy users. We have come a long way from the ideation phase of Machi X, with a product that is just the beginning of IP tokenization.

We welcome you to join us as we blaze new trails in tokenizing intellectual properties. Tell us about your experience and share your thoughts with us on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter.

Jeffrey Huang and Leo Cheng

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Machi X is a social marketplace for discovery and exchange of intellectual properties and their rights, connecting copyright owners and their supporters. Inspired to address the challenges that artists face in the music industry with technology, founders Jeffrey Huang and Leo Cheng launched Machi X to help content creators focus on their craft. Machi X is a Mithril Forged company.

Visit us at, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

Machi X Beta版本正式上線

Machi X 團隊正式宣告,全新版權交易平台Machi X beta版本今日上線!

Machi X 成立初衷

Machi X 為麻吉大哥黃立成與Leo Cheng共同創立的全新版權交易平台,因觀察到創作產業分潤不均的現象及版權市場的混亂,打造創作者可直接與粉絲互動的管道,粉絲或支持者可透過簡單的購入、售出流程,支持喜愛的創作者。首波以音樂為重點。

Machi X為前所未有、專注提倡版權價值的交易平台,介面簡便易懂,方便操作,經由簡單的步驟,隨時隨地即可購買、售出虛擬版權,以將版樣價值普及化、全球化為發展目標。

在Machi X,版權可依比例出售給支持者,更有助於創作專注於下一個作品。支持者亦可透過Machi X的版權交易,進一步收藏喜愛的歌曲。


首波上幣的版權幣以亞洲知名熱門歌曲為主,包括金曲歌王黃立行(Stanley Huang)的作品、金曲歌后及亞洲暢銷女歌手蔡依林(Jolin Tsai)及創作鬼才方大同(Khali Fong)等知名歌手作品。將音樂及熱門歌曲的版權代幣化,成為全新型態的虛擬版權,讓更多粉絲及支持者有機會擁有及收藏。


Machi X Beta版本正式上線後,歡迎粉絲及對音樂版權有興趣的人加入,不僅可搶先購買虛擬版權,體驗全新交易型態。Machi X付款開放虛擬貨幣支付,如知名穩定幣USDT、DAI,及信用卡付費。Beta版本上線期間,為鼓勵更多支持者參與使用,首波將免收交易手續費。


自公佈計劃以來,Machi X 團隊與各方創作者、音樂人、粉絲、科技界等產業對話討論,進而重新定位產品方向,無論是一般大眾或是虛擬貨幣玩家,皆可輕鬆簡易使用的版權交易平台。

Machi X 團隊誠摯邀請你體驗全新版權交易平台,與我們分享你的想法!


-共同創辦人 Jeffrey Huang / Leo Cheng

【關於Machi X】

Machi X 為麻吉大哥黃立成與Leo Cheng共同創立的全新版權交易平台,因觀察到創作產業分潤不均的現象及版權市場的混亂,打造創作者可直接與粉絲互動的管道。Machi X為秘銀的合作公司。



Machi X Official
Machi X Official

Machi X is a collective of artists and patrons, commissioning and trading digital art. Join the Machi X DAO. Discord: