Machi X Proudly Joins the OKEx Ecosystem | Machi X 與 OKEx 完成生態合作,支援 OKB 購買音樂版權代幣

Machi X Official
Machi X Official
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2019

We are proud to announce today that Machi X has joined the OKEx Ecosystem. OKB token holders can now purchase music copyrights with their OKB at and own songs performed by Golden Melody Award-winning artists such as A-Mei/張惠妹, Jolin Tsai/ 蔡依林, Wang Leehom/王力宏, Stanley Huang/黃立行, Khalil Fong/方大同, and Nicky Lee/李玖哲. Golden Melody Award is often described as the Grammy Awards of Asia.

We invite the OKEx community to join us in collecting music copyright tokens at Machi X. Through ownership of music copyright tokens, token holders can own a piece of their favorite song, support artists, participate in economic values like royalties, and gain exclusive fan access.

You can learn more about Machi X by visiting our website at, download our app here, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, or join our discussion channels on Telegram.

Machi X 與 OKEx 完成生態合作,支援 OKB 購買音樂版權代幣!

我們很榮幸與全球知名虛擬貨幣交易所 OKEx 完成本次合作,Machi X 已支援 OKB 儲值、提領與購買版權代幣。OKB 持幣者註冊 Machi X 後,將 OKB 儲值到 Machi X 錢包,就能使用 OKB 購買熱門音樂版權代幣。

目前 Machi X 已經完成了 57 首歌曲版權的代幣化與上架,其中包括多位金曲歌王歌后,如張惠妹、王力宏、蔡依林、黃立行、李玖哲的作品。Machi X 也持續在跟許多外部夥伴進行合作,期望能夠支援更多幣種與功能,擴展 Machi X 平台的實用性。

對於中國用戶,Machi X 目前支援電腦與手機網頁版。想了解更多 Machi X 上架的音樂版權代幣,請持續關注我們的官網與社群消息。

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Machi X Official
Machi X Official

Machi X is a collective of artists and patrons, commissioning and trading digital art. Join the Machi X DAO. Discord: