Machi X Q3 Update

Machi X Official
Machi X Official
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2019

Dear Machi X Community,

Since our launch in March, we have been busy building the platform for you while also adding new music copyrights weekly. Our platform now offers 26 exciting music copyright tokens for your collection, and we continue to have very fruitful discussions with content creators. We can’t wait to share with you the list of new tracks that we will soon add to Machi X!

Community Growth

As we continue our growth in new users and active daily users, we are also very encouraged to see growth in copyright ownership as a percent of total users. This means not only is the Machi X community growing, more of you are getting comfortable with owning your first piece of music copyright. Also, we would like to welcome our new Machi X community members from Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong! We noticed many of you joining us in the last few weeks!

New Pre-Order Process

Today we are rolling out a new pre-order process, where users can purchase tokens before launch. The pre-order will start today, July 11, with Machi Di Di’s Pi Li Pa La (麻吉弟弟 — 劈哩啪啦), with official listing on Tuesday, July 16. We believe that this will help more fans get their hands on copyright tokens. You can join the pre-order here.

Mobile App Launch

You’ve asked and we’ve listened. Machi X mobile apps will soon launch on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to our announcements for launch dates.

Talk With Us!

We’re very excited about the interaction and support that we’ve seen from our community. Thank you for your valuable feedback thus far! Please do drop us a line at or hit us up on Twitter and Facebook to let us know how we can better serve you. We love hearing from our community!

Thank you,
Machi X Team

親愛的Machi X用戶們,

自平台三月上線,團隊不但積極的開發平台功能,更持續每週增加不同虛擬版權,希望帶給大家更不同以往的體驗。目前 Machi X 平台已有26首膾炙人口的經典華語歌曲,不僅如此,團隊在與創作者交流時更收到許多寶貴的反饋、激盪出許多令我們興奮的想法!我們等不及要跟你們分享接下來即將上架的虛擬版權了!

在平台快速擴張使用者及每日活躍用戶之餘,看到擁有虛擬版權的用戶比增加對我們來說是一個極大的鼓勵!這不但代表我們的社群持續成長中,更代表有更多相信及支持Machi X的用戶加入,願意在平台上持有你的第一顆虛擬版權。另外,我們近期也發現許多來自世界各地的朋友加入我們,包含馬來西亞、新加坡、香港等等,歡迎你們與我們一起改變創作未來!

今天我們更首度釋出「預購」新功能,使用者現在可以在虛擬版權正式上架前搶先購買!麻吉弟弟的經典歌曲【劈哩啪啦】將是我們首波預購的虛擬版權,預購將在今日(7/11)17:00 正式開始,並於7/16(二)16:00 結束。【劈哩啪啦】虛擬版權將於7/16(二)17:00 正式上架。我們相信透過預購功能的開放,更多粉絲能加入一起支持虛擬版權!點此加入預購

Machi X App上線
你們的聲音我們都聽到了!Machi X App將在不久的將來於Apple App Store及Google Play Store上架。歡迎關注我們接收最新消息!

對於用戶的支持及回饋,我們一向十分感激,也謝謝你們一直以來的鼓勵及反饋。有任何建議也都歡迎寄信至 或到我們的社群平台FacebookTwitter 留言讓我們知道!我們期待聽到你們的聲音!

Machi X團隊



Machi X Official
Machi X Official

Machi X is a collective of artists and patrons, commissioning and trading digital art. Join the Machi X DAO. Discord: