MACHI DIDI Collecting Competition Winner List is Out! 麻吉弟弟虛擬版權收藏賽得獎名單!

Machi X Official
Machi X Official
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2019

Congratulations to the below users for winning MACHI DIDI collecting competition! Thank you for your support on !

Grand Prize winner:


Second Prize winners:


We’ve sent a congratulation mail to your Machi X signup e-mail address and please reply via e-mail within 3 days (by August 8th) regarding prize delivery and contact information. Any response submitted later than the allotted time will be disqualified. If you have any question, please contact internet campaign team at .


感謝各位對MachiX.com的支持! 恭喜以下麻吉弟弟虛擬版權排行賽的得獎者!





我們已經以 Machi X註冊e-mail通知各位得獎者, 收到通知者請於3日內(8/8前)以E-mail回覆贈品寄送之聯絡資訊,逾時得取消資格。如有問題請與 網路活動小組聯繫。

  • Event time:
    July 18th, 2019 — July 31st, 2019 23:59 (UTC+8)
  • Detail:
    a. Grand Prize (1 person)
    What would you like to hear from MACHI DIDI? Whoever owns the most music copyright tokens by the end of the event, MACHI DIDI will film an exclusive short video dedicated to you!
    b. Second Prize (3 people)
    Be a part of MACHI DIDI’s all-new Mandarin electric music revolution! Collect music copyright tokens from MACHI DIDI’s 4 songs during event time and you will be entering a lucky draw of MACHI DIDI’s all new autographed album “My Wave”!
  • Prize announcement:
    a. Machi X will notify prize winners on August 5th (Monday) via the users’ Machi X registered email. It will also be announced on our official social platform channels (Facebook fan page and Twitter).
    b. Please refer to the website announcement for prizes. We will also send out e-mail notification to prize winners. Please reply via e-mail within 3 days (by August 8th) regarding prize delivery and contact information. Any response submitted later than the allotted time will be disqualified. If you have any question, please contact internet campaign team at .
  • The event organizer remains the right to modify and terminate this event at all times. Any changes of content or notes will be announced on this website without further notice. Participants must follow the instructions on the event page and complete the designated actions to be qualified for prizes. Any illegal action that is against, defraud or to damage the event or any measure verified by the organizer that contributed to system error will be deemed as forfeited data. The event organizer will not further notify prize winner who is disqualified or who has agreed to give up his or her eligibility. The participants agree that the data and information provided are truthful and correct and did not impersonate another person’s identity. If damage is caused to the event organizer or a third person, the participant should be fully liable. If the participant failed to provide correct and complete personal information or contact information that the event organizer could not notify or deliver the prize, then the prize eligibility is deemed forfeited. If the registered information was lost, incorrect, unrecognizable or damaged due to computer, internet or technology fault that was not caused by the organizer, the event team is not legally liable. The participants and prize winners are not to differ. If you have any question, please contact event team at



  • 活動時間:
    2019/07/18–2019/07/31 23:59 (UTC+8)
  • 活動辦法:
    a. 頭獎(一名)
    b. 二獎(三名)
    參與麻吉弟弟全新的華語電音革命!於活動期間成功收藏麻吉弟弟4首歌曲虛擬版權,即有機會抽中麻吉弟弟全新簽名專輯【發浪My Wave】!
  • 得獎公布:
    a. Machi X 將於8/5(一) 以 Machi X註冊e-mail通知得獎者,並同步公佈於官方社群平台(Facebook粉絲專頁、Twitter)。
    b. 得獎者以網站公告為主,並以E-mail通知,收到通知者請於3日內(8/8前)以E-mail回覆贈品寄送之聯絡資訊,逾時得取消資格。如有問題請與 網路活動小組聯繫。
  • 主辦單位保有隨時修改及終止本活動之權利,如有任何變更內容或詳細注意事項將公布於本網頁,恕不另行通知。 參加者必須依照活動網頁上的指示,完成指定動作方有得獎資格。 如有違反、或有任何以詐騙方式或其他足以破壞本活動之不法行徑,或經主辦單位查獲以任何方式,導致系統異常者,一律視為無效資料。 若中獎人因資格不符或同意放棄中獎資格者,主辦單位不另行通知、公告。 參加者同意填寫或提出之資料均為真實且正確,未冒用或盜用任何第三人之資料。如有致損害於主辦單位或其他第三人,參加者應負一切相關責任。如未提供正確且完整之個人基本資料或聯絡資料,導致主、協辦單位於活動中獎時無法通知或寄送獎品者,視同放棄中獎資格。主辦單位不另行通知且不負任何責任。 本活動有任何因電腦、網路、技術或其他不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,而使參與本活動者所登錄之資料有所遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或毀損所導致資料無效之情況,活動小組不負任何法律責任,參加者與得獎者亦不得異議。如有問題請與 網路活動小組聯繫。



Machi X Official
Machi X Official

Machi X is a collective of artists and patrons, commissioning and trading digital art. Join the Machi X DAO. Discord: