A new way to read | Smallish Post 18

MacKay Killian
Pool of Thoughts
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2020

When I think about the availability of literature, it is very unique to be living in this day when we literally will never run out of things to read, and we have access to so many books, news articles, magazines and so on. I wonder if this surplus of things to read has affected the way we read things as a generation. People read to learn things, or maybe just to have fun immersing oneself in a good story. But I believe the internet, especially blogging and social media sites have brought in a new way of reading, which I would call "judgmental skimming." Because we go through so many posts scrolling through each day, I believe we are more prone to quickly judge the material, and scroll through and judge if it is worth our time all in just a matter of a second.

