Our lives in the hands of technology | Current Event 2

MacKay Killian
Pool of Thoughts
Published in
Oct 21, 2020

I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like to drive everywhere without my iPhone. My iPhone is being used for music, listening to books, receiving calls, and most importantly for me, as a map (as I am really bad with directions). Most countries have laws against drivers using their smartphones while driving, mostly prohibiting picking up the phone to call someone or send a text as this is an example of distracted driving. However, as technology advances, I wonder if there will be a point where safety features of the cars (like a self-driving Tesla) will catch up with the dangers/risks of using technology while driving. One day these laws may become meaningless if the cars are able to drive for us and prevent accidents. It’s interesting to think that we are becoming so trusting of advanced technology, that we are willing to put our safety of our lives into the computers hands.

