An Intimate Conversation with Kristina Heinze

Kaitlin Powell
MacLaurin Group
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2019

As part of our continuing Intimate Conversation Series, we had the honor of hosting Kristina Heinze, partner with private equity firm ParkerGale Capital, here in Richmond VA. In addition, we asked Kristina to also offer her wisdom and depth of experience with founders and leaders from the local business community represented by da Vinci Center at Virginia Commonwealth University, Lighthouse Labs RVA, and Startup Virginia.

The day started with Kristina, who in her typical spirit of generosity, joined Jim Headley and Kelley Powell as a featured guest on our podcast series “Demystifying Technology”.

Afterward, she continued with the invitation-only, limited-seating discussion forum at the MacLaurin Group’s offices where she candidly fielded an array of questions from the local business community. This Intimate Conversation Series allows guests the opportunity for meaningful engagement on issues and topics where candor, authenticity, and taking a deeper dive is best accomplished in a smaller, more intimate setting.

We then whisked Kristina over to Startup Virginia at their impressive 1717 incubator location where she spent an hour sharing her brand of wisdom to a diverse group of very eager listeners.

Todd Nuckols, Executive Director at Lighthouse Labs RVA, sparked the session, encouraging us all to lean in and invest in the lives of founders so that together we can develop even more pathways for founder success.

It takes an incredible eco-system to support a program designed to accelerate access to capital, connections, and customers (including equity-free funding) and it took a village to maximize the generous time that Kristina gave us all.

Brett Bowker meeting with Kristina Heinze at 1717 Innovation Center

We want to thank Kristina for not only taking the time to be with us, but offering back to the ecosystem real-world actionable advice and guidance that young business founders and leaders can use today.

If you would like to learn more about our series, have a topic, or would like to be considered as one of MacLaurin Group’s distinguished guests in our series, please let us know by emailing

