Stop worrying about the future.

Macleod Sawyer
Our Digital Future
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2015


Everyday we worry about our choices and chances that we will be given in the future but we never truly worry about the choices and chances of today.
And the choices and chances that you are given today are far more important than what you will be given in the future.


Because, the choices you face today are choices you actually have to deal with — not what you are planning on having to deal with in the future, it’s something you actually have to deal with now.

Worrying about the things you will do and have to deal with in the future is worrying about nothing, and there is almost nothing worst than worrying about absolutely nothing.

Worrying about nothing is a waste of time. You sit there and you worry and you plan every action and reaction to a tee, you continually come up with back up plans for back up plans, and then even more back up plans for those back up plans.

Focusing on the future is worrying about nothing.

No wants to waste time, we have one life, one chance, one opportunity to get it all right and you are wasting it.

You are wasting it by planning for something no one knows anything about.
Everything in the future is a complete unknown, no one knows what will happen, no one knows who will succeed, who will fail, who will win the lottery, and who won’t.

It’s all a complete unknown, an unknown chance, an unknown possibility, an unknown everything.

And by you focusing on the unknowns and planning for every imaginable unknown is a waste of time for what you are doing right now.

You need to start planning for now, you need to start planning what you are doing right this second.

Will you keep reading this? Will you go and get a glass of water? Will you straighten your back, or will you do all of that at the same time?

You have to work out what you can do today, and not for what you will attempt to do in the future.

If you were to disregard everything that happens today because you are too afraid of what happens in six months, then what will happen in six months is exactly what you don’t want to happen.

What you will be doing in six months, will be planning for what you don’t want for another six months, and six months after that, guess what? You’ll be doing it all over again.

You won’t make the commitment to actually do something good for today, or make the right decisions for now, because you are to worried about making the right choices for the future when you should be making those choices right now instead.

Originally published at on August 24, 2015.

