10 cool Apple Watch tricks you’ll wish you knew earlier

Make your Apple Watch worth its money

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2022


Apple Watch on a Magic Keyboard
Photo by Shiwa ID on Unsplash

#1. Know the time without even seeing it

This feature won’t pique you unless you have a strict boss who feels insulted if you check time while he talks.

(Pun intended.)

If so, go to Settings ⚙️ < Clock ⏰ < Taptic Time , and choose your preferred way.

Taptic time in watchOS
This, and all the images below are screenshots by the author

If the time is 19:51 and you’ve chosen:


It vibrates as

z zzzzzzzzz zzzzz z
1 9 5 1

indicating it’s 19:51.


It vibrates as

 ZZZ      zzzz      ZZZ
5x3 hrs 1x4 hrs 15x3 min
= 19 hrs 45 minZ --> Long tap
z --> Short tap

i.e., it long taps for every 5 hours, short taps for the remaining hours, and long taps for each remaining quarter hour.

Drawback: It gives out the same vibration pattern for times between 19:45 and 19:59, as they all lie…

